Testim Testosterone Gel Review (Is It Safe?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Testosterone Boosters

Testim Testosterone Gel ReviewTestim is a product that takes a different approach to testosterone boosting than what we are typically used to seeing. It is actually a testosterone gel rather than capsulated ingredients as you will most often see. We don’t believe testosterone gel is anywhere near as effective as typical natural testosterone supplements, which is why we recommend you check out our list of the top 10 Testosterone Booster Supplements before choosing Testim. Read this comprehensive Testim Testosterone Gel review for details.

Shooting you straight, I’m just not a fan of synthetic gels. I’m not saying they don’t have their place in terms of low testosterone solutions, nor am I saying they haven’t helped people, what I am saying is that they’d never be my first choice. Basically, I’m asking a natural testosterone solution to prom first, if I get declined, then, well…

I’m not your doctor, I’m just a guy that reviews supplements. I prefer natural whenever possible. I’m not always right, except in college Football picks (then I’m golden). I would suggest reading this, deciding if you want to try a natural way first, or, if you feel strongly that testosterone gel side-effect potential is something you can overlook. That’s truly what this comes down to in the end.

The Benefits of Testim

Here are the key benefits of Testim:

  • Could alleviate low testosterone symptoms
  • Can help to increase your libido
  • Potentially leads to elevated energy levels
  • Could improve your performance in the gym

How Does Testim Work?

Testim is a topical gel designed to increase testosterone levels in men who suffer from Low T (low testosterone). Some people believe that testosterone gel is the solution, and others do not. We tend to lean more towards actual testosterone booster supplements as opposed to the gel, however there are still some potential benefits to using topical gel.

If you’re someone with Low T, you’ve likely seen your sex drive decrease, lost some of your muscle mass, and potentially even lost some of your hair. The effects of Low T can be pretty devastating, but it’s possible to fix it fairly easily using an elite testosterone supplement.

A good testosterone supplement can potentially stimulate the natural production of testosterone in your body via the ingestion of clinically studied ingredients like Fenugreek, D Aspartic Acid, Zinc, etc. Check out our testosterone booster reviews to learn more.

Testim on the other hand is actual testosterone instead of natural ingredients that lead to testosterone production. For that reason, a lot of people believe it works better. However, that hasn’t proven itself to be the case. According to user reviews, Testim additionally tends to cause more side effects than natural testosterone supplements

We believe your best bet is going to be a natural testosterone booster instead of going with the actual testosterone gel because the natural supplements could potentially get your body to produce its own testosterone in a completely safe and natural way, which is in our opinion much more preferable over Testim.

Testim Ingredients

Synthetic Testosterone

As I mentioned before, Testim is really comprised of only one ingredient, which is actual testosterone. Directly applying testosterone can often cause a lot of problems and side effects, which is why we tend to steer away from it. It simply isn’t natural to try to correct Low T in this fashion, and anything unnatural tends to come with a price (anabolic steroids are a good example of this).

Rather than using actual testosterone, we recommend you take the natural approach to correcting your low testosterone levels. The natural approach involves ingestion of herbal ingredients that are believed to be able to potentially get your body to make its own testosterone…that’s how you do things the natural way and ensure you avoid serious side effects.

If you take a look at some of the testosterone boosters we have reviewed on our website, you will see that the formulas are completely natural, and yet extremely potent. Look at it like this…why would you topically apply synthetic testosterone with the hopes of boosting your T levels when you could instead potentially get your body to naturally produce genuine testosterone by its own means? Based on that argument, we don’t really recommend Testim.

Testosterone replacement, in general, can have some rather scary side effect potential.

The Pros

  • It’s easily applicable
  • Users report experiencing effects pretty quickly
  • It’s pretty inexpensive

The Cons

  • The side effects are often notable according to users
  • Touching other people with the area of your body to which you applied the Testim can potentially cause it to rub off on them
  • If you manage to rub some of the Testim off onto someone else, they may begin to experience the side effects
  • Natural supplements seem to have it beat in just about every way in our opinion

The Final Verdict

Testim could potentially be helpful for you since it tends to be pretty strong stuff. However, the dangers that come with doing things this way may be significant enough for you to want to consider other options. We don’t recommend Testim, and have found several completely natural testosterone supplements that have serious potential to get the job done even more effectively without producing any serious side effects.

We highly recommend you check out our list of the Top 10 Testosterone Boosters before you decide to buy Testim.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).