Joe Costello CNC’s Top Recommendations & Personal Supplement Regimen!

by Joe Costello, CNC | Health & Fitness Tips

Joe Costello certified nutrition and wellness consultantNot only am I going to tell you what specific supplements I personally take…I’m also going to tell you when I take them, how I use them, and what dosages I use. This is quite literally my actual personal supplement routine that I follow every single day. Two of these supplements are products I take every single day no matter what, and the other two are supplements I add into my regimen depending on my current fitness goals. Let’s dig in…

My Personal Supplement Regimen

My Green Drink

First and foremost, I start the day with a green drink smoothie. I generally don’t really like the taste of green drinks, so I prefer to mix my scoop of greens in with several other ingredients and make a smoothie out of it. You can drink your greens with water or juice, but here is my smoothie recipe…

Total Living Drink greens powderThis recipe tastes amazing. The taste of the peanut butter specifically does a very good job at masking the taste of the greens powder. I literally can’t taste the greens at all when I use this recipe. I drink this smoothie every morning instead of eating breakfast.

The Total Living Drink can effectively replace breakfast because it contains over 7 servings of fruits and vegetables in every serving along with 15,000 milligrams of superfoods, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and vegan protein powder. All of these nutrients combined with the peanut butter and bananas make for a great tasting, energizing, nutrient-packed, low-calorie breakfast.


My Protein Powder

The second supplement I take every single day no matter what is VegaTein, which is a 100% vegan, dairy free, lactose free, soy free, and gluten free protein powder that I use as a post workout supplement to enhance muscle growth and recovery.

VegaTein protein powderEach serving of VegaTein contains 20 grams of protein, which is certainly sufficient in terms of giving your muscles what they need after a workout in order to properly recover and grow. However, I am constantly trying to pack on lean muscle mass to improve my physique, which is why I actually take two scoops after every workout instead of one.

With two scoops, you get 40 grams of protein, and still virtually no carbs, sugar, or fat. You can just mix in your scoop (or two scoops if you prefer) with water, but I prefer to make another smoothie. Here’s my post workout protein shake recipe…

  • Organic Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • Organic Wild Blueberries
  • Organic Strawberries
  • Two Scoops of VegaTein


IMPORTANT: The supplements mentioned above, Total Living Drink and VegaTein, are supplements that I take every single day no matter what. To clarify further I take these supplements daily regardless of what my current fitness goals are. If I am simply trying to maintain my current physique, I do not take any additional supplements. However, here are the additional supplements I take when I am trying to improve my physique…


testogen testosterone boosterWhen I am bulking (trying to gain muscle mass), I still take the Total Living Drink and VegaTein every day exactly as described above. However, I also add in a natural testosterone booster called Testogen. Natural testosterone boosters can really help you get better workouts via improved strength, increased testosterone, elevated energy levels, and enhanced stamina.

If you are trying to gain muscle, I would highly recommend adding Testogen into your daily regimen. I’ve tried well over 10 different testosterone boosters, and Testogen is by far the best one in my opinion.



When I am cutting (trying to burn fat and/or lose weight), I still take the Total Living Drink and VegaTein every day exactly as described above. However, I also add in a natural fat burner called Prime Shred. Don’t get me wrong, natural fat burners are not magical pills. You can’t just take them and expect to start losing weight. When cutting, you must still maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Prime Shred fat burner With that said, a really good natural fat burner like Prime Shred can help you burn fat, increase energy levels, boost metabolism, and enhance your exercise performance. It contains a combination of natural fat burning ingredients and appetite suppressants to reduce cravings and general hunger. Based on my supplement facts panel analysis and personal experience, Prime Shred is the best one on the market.




Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).