D Pol Review (Is This Testosterone Booster Really Worth It?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Testosterone Boosters

D Pol testosterone booster jarLow testosterone can cause men to gain more fat, and hinder their ability to gain muscle. D Pol is a testosterone booster that may be able to help you avoid these negative side effects. Read this D Pol review to learn why we do NOT recommend this test booster. It did not make it into our top 5, nor did it make it even into our top 10.

If you want to learn about some T Boosters that absolutely blow D Pol out of the water in terms of quality and potency, check out our Top Testosterone Supplements.

D Pol review by a Certified Nutrition Coach: Is D Pol any good?

In short, no, D Pol is not a very good test booster. The formula relies way too heavily on one single active ingredient, which is D-Aspartic Acid. Sure, DAA is a very high quality ingredient with a lot of potential. However, top-shelf testosterone supplements combine DAA with other proven ingredients to maximize results. D Pol depends solely on D Aspartic Acid, which is not ideal. I do love D Aspartic Acid, but not on its own. It needs a “supporting cast” if you will…other proven testosterone boosting ingredients that help make it more effective.

My Personal Experience And Results With D Pol

As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I feel obligated to personally test every supplement I review, even if I believe the supplement will not be effective. In the case of D Pol, I analyzed the supplement facts and determined it would most likely not be effective, but I still felt it was worth giving it a shot. I bought a 30 day supply of D Pol, and here’s what happened…

I noticed the effects of the D Aspartic Acid almost immediately. My performance in the gym was better overall, and I experienced benefits such as improved endurance and better strength. I was able to lift more weight and get more reps the first few days of taking D Pol, but then the story quickly got very sad. The effects were very short lived, and the D Pol stopped working after only a few days.

My best guess as to what happened is that my body likely built up a tolerance to the D Aspartic Acid. This is actually a perfect example of why D Aspartic Acid needs to be used in combination with other testosterone boosting ingredients in order to truly be effective. It needs other boosters to help it out, or your body will stop responding to it.

The other downfall of D Pol is the fact that it did not produce any benefits in the bedroom for me. Usually T Boosters make me last longer in bed and give me a better sexual experience overall, but D Pol did not produce those benefits. This again can probably be easily explained by the lack of supporting ingredients…you’re basically just taking pure DAA with this product.

So, the bottom line for me here is this: D Pol was minority beneficial for me in the gym, but only for a few days…it also did not consistently produce results for me longer term. After it stopped working, I went back to my go-to testosterone booster: TestoGen. This stuff is insane. It’s extremely potent and contains 10 different clinically proven test boosting ingredients, and let me tell you, you can feel the effects of them right away. Anyways, back to D Pol…I would strongly recommend avoiding this stuff. It was a waste of money in my personal experience.

What does D Pol do?

What does D Pol do for you? The formula is intended to help naturally increase testosterone levels in your body through the use of a heavy dose of D-Aspartic Acid. Generally, test booster formulas are a lot more comprehensive. They combine several nutrients in order to maximize benefits. However, in this case, D Pol hopes that DAA will get the job done on its own.

D Pol ingredients list

Here are the primary D Pol testosterone booster ingredients:

  • D-Aspartic Acid
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B9
  • Vitamin B12

D-Aspartic Acid

D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that has quickly catapulted itself to the top of the priority list when it comes to testosterone booster ingredients. Many studies have shown the potential benefits of DAA both in the short term and the long term with regard to testosterone levels in users. We love this ingredient, and we love the dosage size they use. The only issue is they rely too heavily on it.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 can significantly increase energy levels, which is important for guys who suffer from low testosterone. Low T often destroys your energy levels, so a nice dosage of Vitamin D3 could certainly help. With that being said, there’s not a whole lot of research indicating it can directly effect test levels.

Vitamin B6

As an essential vitamin for humans, this ingredient helps the body operate more efficiently. It is used to help facilitate the metabolism of fat within the body, making consumers who diet and exercise more efficient in reaching their health goals.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is another essential vitamin for humans, helping aid the production of DNA and RNA within the body. DNA and RNA are essential for the body’s ability to reproduce healthy cells, and birth new humans.

Vitamin B12

This, yet again, essential vitamin is commonly used in dietary supplements for its profound effect on the body’s metabolism. It also helps aid the body’s production of enzymes, as well as hormones such as testosterone. It can even help protect the body’s DNA.

D Pol pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of D Pol testosterone booster.

D Pol benefits

There are certainly some notable D Pol health benefits to consider as a result of the large dosages of D-Aspartic Acid and Vitamin D3. The primary benefits include higher energy levels, improved muscle mass, and enhanced athletic performance in the gym.

With that said, most guys prefer a test booster that is going to help them out both in the gym and in the bedroom. We don’t see that being the case with D Pol. There simply are no sexual health oriented ingredients in the formula. It’s just DAA and some vitamins. You can expect benefits in the gym, but not necessarily in the bedroom.

D Pol side effects

D Pol strictly contains vitamins and amino acids. Therefore, it’s pretty unlikely for users to experience any side effects. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Some D Pol users have reported side effects including migraines, minor headaches, upset stomach, and anxiety.

Again, these side effects are not very common and shouldn’t necessarily be expected. We just wanted to note that it is possible for them to occur. If they do occur, you should stop taking the supplement right away.

D Pol complaints & praise (info from real D Pol customer reviews)

We typically utilize this section to analyze data that we derive from customer reviews submitted via Amazon. We prefer to use Amazon because they verify all customers before allowing them to submit a review, making the reviews more trustworthy.

With that said, D Pol is not sold on Amazon, so we had to turn to Vitamin Shoppe for answers. Unfortunately, we only found a total of 7 D Pol reviews there, which is not a big sample size, but we can still look at the data.

It received an average rating of 3.9 stars out of 5, which is not very good. However, 4 of the users rated it 5 stars, so clearly some people are getting results. Again, this sample size is far too small to draw any real conclusions. On the other hand, our analysis of the Supplement Facts Panel is very reliable.

Is D Pol worth it? Our D Pol test booster review conclusion

Overall, we see D Pol as an average testosterone booster. In this case, you get what you pay for. It’s cheap, but it’s cheap because it’s simply not very good. You’re basically just buying D-Aspartic Acid, which you could get for even cheaper than this. We do NOT recommend D Pol since the formula is not comprehensive and only has one single active ingredient.

However, the good news is we have reviewed a ton of other testosterone supplements and found several top notch options. Check out our testosterone boosters section to learn more.

D Pol FAQs

Is D Pol safe?

D Pol should generally be safe for most people since it only contains vitamins and amino acids. There isn’t anything harmful in the formula, and nothing on the label raises any red flags. With that being said, always check with your doctor first.

Is D Pol a steroid?

No, D Pol is not by any means a steroid. Do not confuse D Pol with D Bal, also known as Dianabol, which is an anabolic steroid. D Pol does not contain any steroid or steroid-like ingredients. It only utilizes D-Aspartic Acid, which is an amino acid.

D Pol best price

First of all, how much does D Pol cost? Let’s take a look at outlet prices:



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Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).