Alpha F1 Review: Is This Testosterone Booster Worth It?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Testosterone Boosters

Alpha F1 ReviewAlpha F1 is a testosterone supplement that we felt was worth reviewing based on how many people ask us about it. Yep, we get a lot of mail over this supplement. Email, not regular mail, do you think we have carrier pigeons flying into our office? Come on now! Thing is, a lot of people have heard of it and want to know if it works. The truth is Alpha F1 is definitely not the best option for a slew of reasons. It doesn’t mean you got ripped off if you already own it, it just means its a bit subpar.

Read this Alpha F1 review to learn why it didn’t make our list of the top 10 T Boosters.

The Claimed Benefits of Alpha F1

Here are the benefits of Alpha F1 as reported by the manufacturer:

  • Can help increase muscle mass
  • Sex drive may be improved
  • The B Vitamins may increase energy levels

How Does Alpha F1 Work?

Alpha F1 is designed to help your body increase its own testosterone levels. An increase in testosterone is really what would be responsible for all of the potential benefits of which there could be a very wide range. Testosterone is the driving hormone behind a lot of things including muscle growth and sex drive.

The key when approaching testosterone boosting is to keep in mind that the only testosterone you want is your body’s testosterone. You don’t want to bring in an outside source of testosterone as is the case with testosterone gels and hormone replacement therapy. These involve the use of synthetic testosterone.

Any synthetic hormone could likely be rejected by your body, which could lead to all sorts of side effects and additionally cause it to be less effectively utilized. There are a lot of great testosterone boosters out there that can work in a natural fashion and help ensure you are using your own body’s testosterone, but we truly don’t believe that Alpha F1 is one of those supplements. See some other testosterone booster reviews to examine some better options.

Alpha F1 Ingredients

Eurycoma Longfolia Extract 100 MG

The role this ingredient often plays in the context of a testosterone booster is as an estrogen inhibitor. There is not a lot of evidence for it being directly responsible for the increase of testosterone, but there is a considerable amount of evidence showing that it prevents estrogen levels from getting too high.

You want your testosterone levels to increase, not your estrogen levels. An estrogen increase could actually be one of the worst things for you if you are looking to build muscle fast and boost sex drive, which is why an estrogen blocking ingredient is important to have.

Zinc 20 MG

Zinc is perhaps one of the most reliable ingredients to include in a testosterone booster. Men have been using Zinc supplement and consuming foods high in Zinc in order to correct Low T (low testosterone levels) for years, and most people have good things to say about Zinc supplementation.

Vitamins B1 & B6 60 MG Total

B Vitamins have been shown to be useful for helping to correct Low T as most vitamins actually have been shown to aid in some way. With that said, we have seen more evidence for Vitamin D than anything else when it comes to testosterone.

Alpha F1 Ingredients Supplement Facts

The Pros

  • Contains a potential estrogen blocker
  • Includes Zinc

The Cons

  • Only contains 4 ingredients (standard is 6-10)
  • Overall potency is EXTREMELY low compared to what we have found to be standard. Alpha F1 overall potency is less than 200 MG per serving, whereas the higher ranked supplements tend to contain between 2,000-3,000 MG per serving!

Alpha F1 Conclusion

Hopefully by this point you can see why we don’t like Alpha F1. We don’t believe it contains enough ingredients, and we certainly don’t believe it is anywhere near potent enough to be a good testosterone booster. Our recommendation is to steer clear of Alpha F1 and head towards our Testosterone Boosters page to see some supplements that we have found to be top notch.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).