Saw Palmetto Benefits (Are There Side Effects You Should Know?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Supplement Ingredients

Saw Palmetto is a popular ingredient in testosterone boostersAs more and more men continue to deal with low testosterone and prostate issues, new treatments are being suggested all the time. One treatment that has been used for hundreds of years with a significant degree of success is Saw Palmetto. Ask most men what it is and they will tell you that they have never heard of it but with that being said, there are some doctors who are regularly recommending that their patients take Saw Palmetto to improve their manhood and also to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. So what exactly are the benefits and side effects of Saw Palmetto?

What is Saw Palmetto?

The best way to understand what Saw Palmetto looks like is to picture a low-growing palm tree that produces little red berries. These red berries are the treasure and have been used for centuries not just to treat men’s issues but to treat a wide variety of health issues. They can be both curative and preventative.

Saw Palmetto Benefits

Prostate & Sexual Health Benefits

Saw Palmetto has been the subject of numerous studies and highly praised for its beneficial properties when it comes to treating prostate issues. Commission E, a German body that deals with the approval of herbal remedies, has approved Saw Palmetto for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or what is commonly called enlarged prostrate. The American Cancer Society has also given its backing, quoting Saw Palmetto as potentially effective in helping relieve prostate, urinary and bladder issues in men.

Although researchers agree that Saw Palmetto has beneficial properties, they cannot seem to agree on what the particular ingredients are that help with prostate and other male problems. A research study undertaken in 2006 on prostate patients had some men taking Saw Palmetto supplements daily while the other group took placebos.

The men who were taking Saw Palmetto reported some significant relief to their symptoms. It is thought that the ingredients in the berries interfere with the way the body reacts to testosterone that reduces or prevents the growth of prostate cells.

Today, although not many doctors will prescribe it (it isn’t approved by drug regulatory bodies most likely because you can’t patent a plant and make billions of dollars), it is used widely in the herbal supplement world.

Increases Sex Drive & Sperm Quality

Men are now buying Saw Palmetto supplements to improve erections, increase sex drive and also to reduce their chances of getting prostate cancer in later years. Saw Palmetto has also been shown to increase fertility in men and it is thought to increase the production and quality of sperm.

Helps Relieve Thyroid Problems

If thyroid problems run in your family you may want to start taking Saw palmetto on a regular basis it has been shown to strengthen the thyroid gland and keep it in good function.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Although inflamed testicles are a rare condition, it has been reported that Saw Palmetto can effectively reduce the inflammation. Men who want to decrease fat, and increase muscle mass and strength should try Saw Palmetto. Although it is still a bit of a mystery as to exactly how it works, men who take it regularly eventually achieve a bigger body size.

Saw Palmetto Side Effects

As with all kinds of herbal treatments it is very important that you familiarize yourself with the side effects of Saw Palmetto before you begin using it. You may see websites that seemingly have a long list of side effects of this herb.

The important thing to note when you are reading those is that if you take a pure version of this herb it is quite unlikely that you will suffer any side effects that are serious. The problem is when chemicals are added to give it a shelf life or to make it appear “proprietary” for marketing purposes. Typically, these are the ones that cause side effects.

The only side effect that most people report when they begin to take it is mild upset stomach. Reports indicate that this is a very brief symptom that clears in a day or two. If you find that the brand of Saw Palmetto is giving you serious side effects check its purity levels and consult with your physician.

Saw Palmetto Benefits – Summary

Saw Palmetto has proven to be an effective testosterone booster for men and can help them avoid prostate and other issues of the urinary tract. In addition to that it has many other health benefits that can be enjoyed by both men and women.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).