Muira Puama Benefits (Are There Side Effects You Should Know?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Supplement Ingredients

Muira puama is a plant that is indigenous to the amazon rain forest that also goes by the scientific name of Ptychopetalum. Muira puama grows in the form of small trees or shrubs that can grow to about 14 feet in length. All parts of this plant can be used medicinally, but it is typically the wood and the roots that get the most attention.

muira-puama-stock-e1432564529114Muira puama has been seen as a cure all type herb with a concentration on increasing libido and sexual energy. Muira puama has been hailed as the Viagra of the amazon, taking the spot light away from other herbs that have been used to promote similar benefits. It offers those who suffer from sexual disorders relief by acting as an aphrodisiac to promote a healthier sex drive in maturing adults.

Other benefits of muira puama include being a vitality and sexual enhancer, and a nerve tonic. It has been used to treat ailments in countries surrounding the Amazon for centuries. If you are interested in taking Muira Puama as part of a sexual health supplement, check out some of our top ranked male enhancement supps to find the right supplement for you (PS: the #1 ranked supplement contains a significant dosage of Muira Puama).

Muira Puama Benefits

Muira Puama And Sexual Health

Hailed as the Viagra of the Amazon, it’s clear to anyone that Muira Puama must do wonders for libido and sexual health. As your age increases it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with the sex drive you may have had as a younger man or woman. While there are many different herbs that can help with loss of sex drive, Muira Puama has been beating them out of their place as a natural libido booster.

The reason for this is because Muira Puama does not carry the same side effects as other herbal libido boosters. Muira Puama can help increase libido in men, help men achieve and maintain erections, support male fertility, increase strength and stamina

Muira Puama And Mental Health

Muira Puama is believed to help relieve symptoms of depression due to sexual dysfunction. It has also been shown to help support healthy stress response. Researchers also say it can potentially help people who suffer from upset stomach and loss of appetite, both of which are symptoms of depression and anxiety related disorders.

How Does It Work?

Unfortunately, there have not been enough conclusive studies done via human trials to state the exact way that this miracle herb functions. Some theories come from its ability to promote blood flow and relax the part of the penis that is responsible for becoming engorged with blood.

It has also been seed to block an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase. This process allows for more blood to be diverted to the genitals, which can thereby enhance sexual performance and improve erection achievability and sustainability. Most of the Muira Puama benefits are related to sexual health.

How should it be taken?

The amount of muira puama that should be taken depends on your sex, body type, age and overall health. There is not enough scientific information to determine the most proper dose, but it is recommended to be taken at about 25 milligrams per serving. You will find that most male enhancement supplements tend to dose Muira Puama at around 20-25 MG per serving.

Muira Puama Side Effects

There is not enough conclusive evidence to confidently speak to what general side effects of Muira Puama are. This can be taken as a positive piece of information because people who have taken it clearly haven’t reported anything too severe. The Muira Puama benefits far outweigh the side effects in the vast majority of cases since side effects are actually quite rare.

However, almost any new supplement that you start will cause some minor side effects at first such as upset stomach or oily skin, which is typically just a result of your body getting used to the supplement. Any minor side effects tend to subside after just a couple days, and they usually don’t even occur to begin with according to most users.

Muira Puama Benefits – Summary

In conclusion, Muira Puama has been used as a cure for erectile dysfunction for centuries in the Amazon. While there is not enough conclusive western data to support many of the benefits or side effects, it’s long term use without any mentioning of severe side effects makes it a good choice for someone looking to experiment with natural libido boosters.

Muira puama can help increase sexual and life energy, promote general health, and act as a nerve tonic. Supplementing muira puama can help any maturing adult to regain the sex drive they may have lost due to whatever stressors they have come across. If you’re interested in trying a sexual health supplement that includes Muira Puama, check out our male enhancement reviews to see our top choices.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).