Vimax Review (Are These Male Enhancement Pills Legit?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Male Enhancement

Vimax Male Enhancement ReviewVimax is actually one of the worst male enhancement products we have reviewed on this whole site. It did not even come close to ranking on our list of the top 10 best Male Enhancement supplements.

Check out this Vimax review to learn about the benefits, side effects, pros, cons, and ultimately discover why we don’t recommend it. Important note: the FDA recently stated that Vimax actually contains a hidden, illegal ingredient. We recommend avoiding Vimax at all costs.

Vimax review: Is Vimax any good?

The biggest problem with Vimax is that it only provides about 200 milligrams worth of nutrients per serving. That is the lowest overall potency we have ever seen. To put it into perspective, our top ranked supplement has about 2,000 MG per serving, making it 10 times as potent.

Vimax ingredients list

  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginseng
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Saw Palmetto

Ginkgo Biloba

You can find Ginkgo in tons of testosterone boosters on the market because of its ability to increase the amount of available testosterone in your body. While it’s great for testosterone boosters, it is also the key for male enhancement because of the role testosterone plays in improving your performance.

Testosterone is essentially synonymous with sex drive. The reason your sex drive is so low is because your testosterone levels have been gradually depleting for some time now. In fact, if lack of sex drive is your primary problem, you may want to also check out our Testosterone Boosters as they specifically address Low T. With that said, it is important to get your testosterone boosted to an optimal level in order to get you performing like a pro in between the sheets.


Ginseng is another testosterone boosting ingredient which means it has a similar role to Ginkgo Biloba in the context of male enhancement. The combination of these two ingredients should send your sex drive through the roof and get you into the bedroom more often.

Different types of Ginseng are included in nearly every testosterone booster on the market because of how long Ginseng has been used for purposes of rebalancing testosterone levels and enhancing bedroom performance. This is an ingredient that has been around forever and comes with little to no doubt in terms of its effectiveness.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper is an interesting ingredient when it comes to male enhancement. Probably the biggest benefit it has is its ability to shred fat and get you looking good. You know what they say…when you look good, you feel good. It can help get your confidence back up so that you feel more comfortable doing your thing.

If you haven’t been performing well for a long time now, chances are you and your partner have grown less attracted to each other. An ingredient like Cayenne Pepper is great in a male enhancement supplement because it can contribute to getting your body into better shape, which can get your partner more attracted to you.

Saw Palmetto

Here we have another proven testosterone booster, that will work in conjunction with Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng to get your body producing testosterone like crazy. It’s likely that your libido has not been optimal as of late, but it’s unlikely that it will remain that way with a combination of ingredients like this.

Being the last part of the testosterone-boosting component, Saw Palmetto is an important ingredient. However, we think that the T-boosting component is really the only thing they did well. While testosterone is important, there are other things that must be at play in order to really get the kind of results you’re looking for.

Vimax Ingredients and Supplement Facts

Vimax benefits and side effects

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of Vimax.


Vimax works primarily through improving the circulation of blood within your body, which allows blood to flow more easily to your penis when you need to achieve an erection. The ingredients help to dilate your blood vessels, which is the effect that is responsible for the blood flow improvement.

Additionally, Vimax works through boosting your levels of the primary hormone behind your sex drive and libido: testosterone. If you are struggling in the bedroom in terms of sex drive, erection achievement, erection sustainability, or stamina, chances are your testosterone levels are too low. The best way to go about getting them back to where they need to be us by naturally boosting your testosterone levels through male enhancement pills.

Side effects

We originally thought that Vimax would not cause side effects because the company claimed that the formula was natural, but the FDA has since come out and said that Vimax actually contains a hidden illegal ingredient.

At this point, there is no way for us to know what type of side effects it can cause, but we strongly recommend avoiding Vimax.

Vimax complaints & praise (info from real Vimax customer reviews)

All of the data with regard to Vimax reviews and customer feedback is essentially gone since Vimax was discontinued on every website it was sold on after being exposed by the FDA.

This section doesn’t seem as relevant now that we know the manufacturers of Vimax are willing to lie to their customers. There are no reviews available out there, and even if there were, it wouldn’t be worth reading them knowing what we know now about the supplement.

Is Vimax worth it? Our conclusion

No, Vimax is not worth it. It is made by a company with a bad reputation and a bad history. Vimax was exposed by the FDA for containing a secret ingredient. Therefore, it is potentially dangerous and should be avoided. Even if the company makes a new product, you most likely can not trust it. Click the link below to view our top rated male enhancement product!


Vimax FAQs

Is Vimax legit?

No, Vimax is not legit. It was already a really bad supplement, and then the secret ingredient was discovered, and now it’s even less legit.

Is Vimax safe?

No, Vimax is not safe because it contains a secret ingredient.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).