Purple Rhino Review: Are These Pills Worth It?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Male Enhancement

Purple Rhino pills outside of the bottle

Purple Rhino is one of the most widely known male enhancement supplements on the market, but does that mean it works?

High popularity does not always equate to high efficacy, so it’s important to do some research before spending your money, despite how popular a product may be…

Read this Purple Rhino review to learn why we do NOT recommend it, OR, if you’re strictly interested in the best of the best, feel free to skip ahead to my list of the Best Male Enhancement Products.

You’ll find that I believe the #1 ranked male enhancement supplement on that list is far superior to the rest, and that’s primarily because of the formula…BUT, I do have to say, my personal experience with that product was amazing. It took my sex life to the next level, and made me an animal in the bedroom…let’s just say my wife is not mad I found it. It’s called Male Extra.

Purple Rhino review: Is Purple Rhino any good?

Warning: the FDA recently found that Purple Rhino contains a hidden, undisclosed ingredient. Avoid this product at all costs. We do not recommend Purple Rhino, and would strongly advise against using it if you are even able to find it anywhere.

The Claimed Benefits of Purple Rhino

  • Firmer erections
  • Better stamina and virility
  • Higher sex drive
  • Enhanced sexual performance

How Does Purple Rhino Work?

Purple Rhino is one of many natural remedies for erectile dysfunction that was invented to attempt to mimic Viagra and eliminate the need for a prescription. Many think that nothing natural is going to work as well as Viagra, but we have found that certain herbs and vitamins for erectile dysfunction can actually work even better in some instances.

Blood Flow

Theoretically, nitric oxide boosters have the potential to make you easily able to achieve an erection whenever necessary due to the effect they have on blood flow. Therefore, the next vital part of a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction becomes making sure you WANT to achieve an erection. In other words, the ability to achieve an erection doesn’t necessarily boost your sex drive, which is why you need a libido-boosting component to accomplish that for you.


Libido-boosting ingredients are included in nearly every male enhancement supplement because manufacturers understand that a big issue with erectile dysfunction is that you simply don’t have as much of a desire for sex as you used to. Increasing blood flow AND desire could very well be exactly what you need.

However, we believe there are many other options out there that can accomplish these goals more efficiently, which is why we don’t necessarily recommend Purple Rhino. Our advice would be to explore some of our other male enhancement reviews to view some more highly ranked products.

Purple Rhino Ingredients

Here are the main Purple Rhino ingredients:

  • L-Arginine
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Saw Palmetto


L-Arginine is the nitric oxide boosting component we spoke of earlier. It is believed to convert directly into nitric oxide upon ingestion, which can be huge in terms of opening up your blood vessels and allowing blood to flow more efficiently. Blood flow optimization makes it so that you have a much easier time achieving an erection when the time comes.

Ginkgo Biloba

In Ginkgo Biloba, we have a multi-purpose ingredient. It has been shown across clinical trials to be able to increase the amount of free testosterone in the male body, which can help with sex drive as well as overall better focus and energy. However, it additionally can support L-Arginine with vasodilatation of the penile area, which means the quality of your erections could potentially be improved. Check out this study and learn more.

Saw Palmetto

Tons of research shows that supplementation with Saw Palmetto can really dramatically boost sex drive, and it has actually been used in the past to help treat impotency. It truly is an amazing herb with a high number of benefits.

WARNING: Purple Rhino has recently been exposed for containing a hidden ingredient.

Me holding purple rhino in my hand

Purple Rhino Reviews From REAL Users

Although we are very confident in our ability to analyze supplement labels, we still find it beneficial to take user experiences into consideration before drawing a conclusion about a supplement…

So, we explored the many user reviews submitted on Amazon and other similar websites in order to see what guys were saying about this stuff. Let’s dig into the data we found…

On Amazon, we were able to find a total of 61 Purple Rhino reviews submitted by verified customers. The average rating Purple Rhino received was 2.6 stars out of 5, which is not very good…

Now, that does not mean the product doesn’t work, but it is very discouraging to see that 44% of users rated it only 1 star…this type of statistic is the reason user reviews are so helpful. Sometimes, if the label doesn’t tell a super clear story (although, it usually does), the user reviews can help us paint a better picture.

We do want to note that 28% of the men left reviews on Amazon rated it 5 stars, so this stuff is clearly working for some people. It seems it’s more often ineffective than it is effective for users, which is something that we don’t find extremely shocking based on the formula.

The Pros

  • Contains high-quality herbs and vitamins proven to help erectile dysfunction
  • Clinical studies support the idea that it may actually work
  • User reviews often are actually pretty positive

The Cons

  • The website appears dodgy
  • There were a lot of negative reviews
  • Some people reported unexpected credit card charges

Is Purple Rhino Worth It? Our Conclusion

In our opinion, it would be in your best interest to explore some other supplements before spending your money on this one. While Purple Rhino does have some excellent ingredients and an overall very comprehensive formula, there are a few too many red flags for us to be able to confidently recommend this stuff. Most importantly, the fact that it contains a hidden ingredient is very scary.

Our recommendation is to check out our Male Enhancement page in order to discover some supplements we are very confident in. There are some excellent options out there, and the top three ranked supplements are VERY exciting. Click the link below to learn about our top pick!


Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).