Get Roman Review: What Is It & Does It Work?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Male Enhancement

Get Roman.

We’ve all seen the TV commercials by now.

If not, my Get Roman (Everything You Need To Know) guide will be right back following this cheezy television commercial break.

We’ve all felt that skeptic’s wave of apprehension over their pitch to “cure E.D..” We all want to toss a football in braver fashion like this manly man does after taking his Get Romans!

So what’s real here?

Is Get Roman a mythical delivery of rejuvenated manhood, or a scammy marketing ploy that preys on the desperate?

Well, the truth is, Get Roman is legit, but it still might not be for you. And it “being for you” is something only your doctor can determine.

However, I’m going to break down this heavily marketed and newly trendy brand.

I will discuss how Get Roman works. What all Get Roman can help with (HINT: It is more than just E.D.).

And why Get Roman is actually quite smart.

get roman works

I already told you, “mostly,” it does work.

Take a chill pill, Blue! Science is complicated and unfortunately for everyone’s sake, we gotta do some of that.

But first…

What Is Get Roman?

Get Roman is a brand of medicine that purportedly cures a number of ailments, some taboo. While Get Roman is mostly known for its E.D. cure commercials, the company also has products for cold sores, hair loss, smoking cessation, enlarged prostate, and premature ejaculation.

These are all big market ailments. In other words, all of Get Roman’s products effectively target super profitable verticals. This is why some people are a bit skeptical of their brand in the initial phase.

I get it. Because I was also until I got down to the details.

Who Is Get Roman?

I mean, wouldn’t it make sense to get to know the company that might some day prescribe you medicine? I’d think so.

So let’s get on that.

Get Roman is founded by a number of pharmacists and doctors.

Here are a few notable Get Roman “Medical Leadership Board” members who drive the success and validity of the products.

Dr. Pepper Schwartz, a television personality and author.

dr pepper schwartz

Director of NYU’s Langone’s Preston Robert Tisch Center for Men’s Health, Dr. Steven Lamm M.D.

dr steven lamm

Dr. Joycelyn Elders M.D., the former U.S. Surgeon General from 1993 to 1994.

dr. joycelyn elders

There are seven more prominent medical board figures, all of which have lots of fancy abbreviations following their names.

“We Are Sons, Brothers, Fathers, Grandfathers, And Husbands”

That’s the Get Roman tagline. But the truth is, Get Roman is beefed up with medical degrees and lots of higher-education. They are focused on Men’s Health. As you can see above, they have a Sociologist on board because Get Roman also approaches the “communication dilemmas” present with issues such as erectile dysfunction.

Men Don’t Like To Talk E.D.

get roman communication

That’s one of Get Roman’s big problems they say they can solve. “Silence takes a toll on our relationships,” the company claims.

They have a point.

Communication over issues such as sexual health is a challenging endeavor for both men and women. And that can be the harbinger of relationship collapses…

Get Roman Products

Get Roman E.D (Erectile Dysfunction) Product

get roman ed product

By far, Get Roman’s most popular and sought-after product is their E.D. medicine.

I’ve discussed ad nauseam the whole “pharma patents expired” stuff, so I’m going to keep brief this portion. That said, feel free to get a more in-depth take on the matter in my Hims Review.


Major pharmaceutical patents involving E.D., hair loss, etc., have expired. Due to these patent expirations, third-party companies are able to rightfully produce the medications without fear of legal ramifications.

Enter Get Roman.

Their E.D. medication is the same as the pharmaceutical stuff. They just renamed it as their own brand. That’s the same thing Cialis and Viagra famously did 20 years ago.

You get two choices:

  • Sildenafil (Viagra generic)
  • Tadalafil (Cialis generic)

See how that works?

Again, this is the same play that Hims is doing.

That said, Hims and Get Roman do work, if you feel that Viagra and Cialis work.


Get Roman Hair Loss Product

get roman hair loss

Hair loss is one of the most prevalent aging male issues there is. And one of the most frustrating.

Get Roman’s hair product is Finasteride. This is Propecia’s active ingredient. Propecia is one of the world’s top-selling hair loss medications.

Again, patents expire, now competition, like Get Roman, is ripe.

Get Roman’s hair loss product is conceptualized by Dr. Tzvi Doron and Dr. Seth Cohen.

Get Roman Hair Loss Product Side Effects

One of the biggest knocks against Propecia was rampant side-effects. Most of the Propecia side-effects involved sexual function.

  • Impotence
  • Lowered libido
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Inability to have an orgasm

There are also reported side-effects such as dizziness, breast tenderness, and swelling in the feet and hands.

Seeing Get Roman uses the same active ingredient as Propecia, consumers of Get Roman should be aware of such potential side-effects. Most importantly, speak to your doctor prior to taking.

Oddly, many of the Get Roman hair product side-effects cause issues that other Get Roman products aim to cure.

No, I’m not creating some odd conspiracy theory. I’m just making the note.

I lost my hair 20 years ago. I’ve never missed a step! But to each, their own.

Get Roman Premature Ejaculation Product

get roman premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the bane of many men’s existence. It is a frustrating problem that isn’t easily rectified.

Get Roman’s premature ejaculation product is, somewhat, bland.

Here’s why…

Two of their offerings are Tadalafil and Sildenafil. This is simply Cialis and Viagra. The issue here is that Get Roman already offers these products in their E.D. solutions. So really, this is just rebranding for the sake of broadening product appeal.

It’s not egregious, just a little misleading.

The third Get Roman premature ejaculation product is Sertraline. This is an SSRI product. Oddly, SSRI products are notorious for having sexual dysfunction side-effects.

I’m not going to comment on that aspect of things.

I’m not in love with this section, I’ll leave it at that.

Cold Sores /Genital Herpes

(I’m Going To Spare Everyone This Picture)

This is another area, like the premature ejaculation and E.D. sections, where you have two sections that are really just a single section.

On Get Roman’s website, you find Cold Sores and Genital Herpes as two sections. But they are the same exact product, which is generic Valtrex.

Valtrex, which uses Valacyclovir as it’s active ingredient, is one of the top-selling cold sore and herpes medications in the world.

Get Roman is now able to sell this ingredient due to patent expiration.

Quit Smoking

get roman quit smoking

Get Roman’s quit smoking product is Nicorette gum (and it isn’t even their product, more on that below).

It appears they co-brand the gum with an app that keeps tabs on your smoking cessation. I don’t know the depth of this app, but it appears to record things such as how much money you’ve saved and when your last cigarette was.

Nicorette gum works. It’s incredibly effective.

You can get smoking cessation apps on iTunes for free.

Also, this isn’t really Get Roman’s product…

At least, the link redirects you to GetZero where Get Roman appears to make an affiliate commission.

Seeing I’m not reviewing Quit Zero, I’m not going to pass judgment.

Enlarged Prostate

Get Roman is very vague here and offers no information on what their prostate health product is. Seeing most people likely are looking at Get Roman for their sexual dysfunction and hair loss products, I’ll not be diving any further into this area.

How Does Get Roman Work?

When you sign up for any of Get Roman’s products, aside from the quit smoking affiliate offer, you will be asked to pay for the product and consult with a doctor through the Get Roman website.

The doctor on the site will then decide if you are eligible for a prescription. You don’t pay if you can’t get the prescription following the consultation.

Get Roman also aims to improve communication between men and their partners, hence, they have therapists on board.

The process isn’t lengthy, just something you should do while in a more private setting.

Natural E.D. Treatments

A lot of people don’t know this…


A lot of people just have no confidence in this…


There are natural ways to deal with erectile dysfunction and E.D.

In fact, we have an entire section dedicated to natural male enhancement products.

It’s worth considering before you dive into a medication that might give you unwanted side effects.


Get Roman leverages the expiration of major pharmaceutical patents to sell products for conditions such as sexual dysfunction, hair loss and more.

The pharmaceutical products have been proven to work, but some do have side effects. When you take Get Roman products, you are taking the same active ingredients offered by pharmaceutical companies. I’ve listed those active ingredients with the corresponding Get Roman products above.

Yes, Get Roman works in spite of their cheezy commercials.

The Get Roman sign up process will have you consult with one of Get Roman’s medical professionals. It would be wise to double-check with your own doctor prior to taking Get Roman.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).