Enzyte Review: Are These Male Enhancement Pills Legit?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Male Enhancement

EnzyteEnzyte is a male enhancement supplement that is used to boost libido and increase sexual desire in maturing males. Male enhancement supplements are used to maintain critical blood flow, enhance erection quality and stamina, and heighten arousal…but is Enzyte truly your best bet for accomplishing these goals? Does the guy smiling on the label really have your best interest at hand? He sure does seem happy, you can’t deny that. However, this Enzyte review will explain why we do NOT recommend this product.

While we can not comfortably recommend a supplement as weak as Enzyte, if you want to discover our most highly ranked top 10 options, click here: Male Enhancement Products.

Enzyte review: Is Enzyte any good?

Enzyte is actually one of the weakest male enhancement pills we have reviewed. It only contains six active ingredients and has an overall potency of only 650 milligrams per serving. Plus, the 650 milligrams comes in the form of a proprietary blend, which leaves individual dosages undisclosed. We do not recommend Enzyte.

Are there any Enzyte coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

There are currently no available Enzyte coupon codes, which is unfortunate because the product is pretty overpriced based on how little nutrition it actually provides. You’re paying for only 650 milligrams worth of nutrients per serving. It wouldn’t be worth the price even if you did have a discount voucher.

Enzyte ingredients list

The primary Enzyte ingredients are:

  • Ginseng
  • Ginkgo Leaf
  • Grape Seed Extract
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Muira Puama
  • Zinc


Korean red ginseng is most often used by men suffering from erectile dysfunction. This herbal supplement is most often linked to increased alertness and circulation. Ginseng can help prevent colds and benefit your cardiovascular health. Some cons to ginseng is its lack of FDA approval for treating ED and its interference with some medications and caffeine.

Ginkgo Leaf

Ginkgo is derived from the maidenhair tree which is one of the oldest trees on the planet. It has been used as a natural stimulant and cure all herb for centuries. Ginkgo works by increasing circulation throughout the body, helping those who suffer from erectile dysfunction greatly. Ginkgo is also good for maintaining concentration and alertness, while having very few side effects.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract has been shown to be beneficial for many different cardiovascular conditions. People with poor circulation are often advised to take grape seed extract to help with poor circulation and lower bad cholesterol. The antioxidants in grape seed extract have also made it popular to help protect cells from damage and prevent disease. Some negative side effects to grape seed extract have been headache, itchy scalp, dizziness, and nausea.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed is an herb that holds very true to its name. So much so, that it is widely regarded as one of the best herbs for erectile dysfunction, if not the single best herb. It is used to stimulate blood flow to the penis through the use of its active ingredient icariin. Icariin works to block a certain molecule that halts blood flow to the penis. Icariin allows blood to flow more freely, allowing for an easier and longer lasting erection.

Muira Puama

While not much research has been done on this herbal supplement, Muira Puama has been used for centuries as a natural libido booster in lands surrounding the Amazon. This herbal supplement has received so much attention for its benefits that it has been hailed as the natural Viagra of the amazon.


Zinc helps increase testosterone levels in the body and provides benefits to male enhancement by increasing male fertility. This trace mineral can often be found in male enhancement pills and testosterone boosters alike due to the research suggesting it can positively effect testosterone levels in men.

Enzyte benefits and side effects

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of Enzyte.


Enzyte works by stimulating blood circulation throughout the body and to the penile chambers. By increasing the blood flow to the penis it claims to be able to increase the size, as well as sensitivity during sexual activity. This can lead to increased libido, making erections easier to achieve and maintain, and increased confidence during sexual intercourse. Going over the ingredients in detail (next section) will also shine a brighter light on how the male enhancement supplement works.

In order to be able to maintain an erection, blood flow is key. Enzyte utilizes Korean red ginseng and the ginkgo leaf to stimulate circulation throughout the body, and especially to the penis. Enzyte contains procyanidins from grape seed extract to promote the production of nitric oxide, which acts as a vasodilator to promote increased blood flow. Horny goat weed is also present in Enzyte to promote healthy blood flow.

However, the dosages of these ingredients are all too low for the product to actually produce the benefits it was designed to produce.

Side effects

There are no reports of side effects with Enzyte, and this is expected due to the nature of the formula. It strictly contains natural herbs and vitamins. There’s nothing in here that would cause any sort of severe side effect in our opinion. The only side effect and/or down side is that the supplement probably won’t work.

Enzyte complaints & praise (info from real Enzyte reviews)

We’ve already analyzed the Supplement Facts Panel for you, and now it’s time for us to take a look at customer reviews to see what people are saying about the product. We checked Amazon to read through some Enzyte customer experiences, and here’s what we found…

There’s a total of about 100 Enzyte reviews at the time of writing, and the product received an average rating of 3.2 stars, which is very bad. This mark is below average and very discouraging. Worse yet, 30% of customers rated it only 1 star out of 5, which is bad news.

On the flipped side, about 40% of customers rated it either 4 or 5 stars, which is a little more encouraging. Overall, the reviews are very mixed. However, the amount of 1 star reviews combined with the 3.2 star average strengthens our opinion that Enzyte is not a very good supplement.

Is Enzyte worth it? Our conclusion

Enzyte was designed to increase libido by utilizing different herbal supplements that promote increased sexual energy and circulation, but based on our analysis of the formula as well as the customer review data we examined, it appears Enzyte can not quite get the job done. As a result, we believe Enzyte is NOT worth it, and we do not recommend it.

Our recommendation is to check out our Male Enhancement page to see some of the top ranked products on the market before making any decisions. Click the link below to see our #1 ranked male enhancement pill.


Enzyte FAQs

Is Enzyte legit?

Enzyte is a legitimate supplement, but we believe it is simply too weak to produce results.

Is Enzyte safe?

Enzyte only contains natural ingredients, so yes, we believe it is safe.

What is the recommended dosage for Enzyte?

According to the nutrition label, the recommended dosage is only 1 capsule.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).