Cianix Review: Are These Male Enhancement Pills Legit?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Male Enhancement

Cianix is one of the most popular male enhancement supplements out there. However, popularity doesn’t always equate to efficacy. Oftentimes, a supplement can become very popular through effective marketing but in reality, isn’t all that great. Kind of like that 2008 Rambo movie, a popular name, but it was super stupid.

In this Cianix review, we’ll discuss whether or not Cianix deserves the attention it gets or if it’s all just hype. Read on to learn why it did NOT rank amongst our top 10 best Natural Male Enhancement Pills.

Cianix review: is Cianix any good?

Cianix is a very weak male enhancement supplement. These pills severely lack potency, the company is sketchy, and their marketing tactics are devious. We do not think Cianix is a good supplement and do not trust the company. Be careful with this product.

What does Cianix do?

What does Cianix do for you? The formula is designed to help increase sex drive and stamina. They also make absurd claims with regard to increasing penis size, which simply is not possible. The most it can do for you is increase your libido and maybe improve blood flow. Don’t be fooled by their absurd marketing.

How Does Cianix Work?

Cianix functions as sort of a natural remedy for sexual dysfunction. A ton of guys suffer from symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED), but not everyone can get prescribed Viagra. Some guys just don’t want to be taking Viagra because of side effects, inconvenience, and sometimes embarrassment.

Natural remedies for erectile dysfunction like Cianix were invented as a solution to this problem. The goal with these supplements is to function in the same fashion as Viagra without producing any side effects or requiring any prescriptions. Now, they are not always successful in doing so, which is why you need to do your research before spending your money.

We keep an eye out for any herbs or vitamins that have been clinically proven to help erectile dysfunction and help weed out the supplements that do not contain such nutrients. Certain vitamins have actually been shown to be more beneficial than prescription drugs in some instances.

If you ask us, we think there may be better options out there than Cianix. The best male enhancement supplements work through ingredients which are able to stimulate more optimal blood flow and thereby allow the user to easier achieve and maintain erections.

Additionally, certain ingredients are included for the purpose of increasing the sex drive of the user. We recommend you explore our other male enhancement reviews to discover which products we rank most highly.

Cianix ingredients list

Here are the primary Cianix ingredients:

  • L-Arginine
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Ginseng


Here we have the ingredient that is primarily responsible for blood flow optimization. L-Arginine functions as a nitric oxide booster, which means it can help to dilate your blood vessels. The effect L-Arginine can have on blood flow is key for users in search of a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction because it is a completely natural amino acid that can be a huge help for guys who have trouble getting it up.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus is another natural ingredient that can be of some help for men with erectile dysfunction issues. It is often used in testosterone booster supplements due to the fact that many people believe it can increase free testosterone. With that said, its primary purpose in almost any context truly is to increase libido.


Ginseng is valuable in the context of male enhancement for the same reason as Tribulus. The effects it can have on testosterone levels are not necessarily 100% clear, but what is clear is the fact that men who take it swear by it. –  study | study

Cianix pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of Cianix.

Cianix benefits

Here are the primary benefits of Cianix:

  • Can improve blood flow
  • Higher quality erections
  • Helps elevate sex drive

Cianix is one of those supplements that makes a ton of insane claims with regard to penis size, which is always something you should be weary of. This is one of those benefits that is commonly claimed by supplement companies but really is an impossible promise.

Cianix side effects

Cianix doesn’t even have an official website, and they certainly don’t disclose all the details of their formula. Therefore, it’s almost impossible for us to tell you what the side effects might be. All we can do is again warn you to be careful with this stuff. There are some red flags here for sure.

Cianix complaints & praise (info from real Cianix customer reviews)

We have gone through several user reviews in order to get an idea of how people’s personal experiences with the product went. It appears that results are mixed. Some reviews indicated positive results while other users appeared not to enjoy the product as much, so we weren’t able to find anything very definitive.

We recommend you check out some other male enhancement reviews on our site to discover some products we are truly confident in. Since the Cianix website does not make the nutrition label public, we are not as confident in it as we would like to be in order to recommend it.

The fact that there is no official Cianix website and that the product is not listed on third party sites like Amazon where we could find trustworthy Cianix reviews is a red flag. There is no reason why we would recommend this product to our readers…there’s actually a lot of reasons for us to not recommend it.

Is Cianix worth it? Our conclusion

Cianix has a some solid ingredients that could produce benefits, but we don’t know exactly what’s in the product because they don’t tell you until you buy it. That’s a big red flag, and so are the absurd claims they make regarding the product. Therefore, we do not think Cianix is worth it and would recommend avoiding it.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).