Xenadrine Review: Legit Fat Burner or Scam? My Results!

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

3951_mi1_pd318_1Xenadrine is a fat burner that comes in two different form: Xenadrine Ultimate and Xenadrine Core. This review will take a look at both versions of Xenadrine and shed some light on which one to choose. Be sure to read this Xenadrine review if you’re interested in Xenadrine and want to learn why it failed to make it amongst the rankings of our Top Natural Fat Burners.

Xenadrine Review by a Certified Nutrition Coach: Is Xenadrine any good?

Xenadrine is a very weak supplement, comparatively speaking. It only provides 620 milligrams worth of nutrients in every serving, whereas our top rated burners provide an average of 2,000 MG per serving. Xenadrine severely lacks potency, which is a major issue. As a Nutrition Coach, I would never recommend a product like this to any of my clients. The supplement facts panel is not transparent enough for me to feel confident in the supplement. Just to be more confident in my analysis, I went ahead and tested Xenadrine for you guys…here’s what happened…

My Xenadrine Results And Personal Experience

Normally, I would not waste my money on a product that lacks potency as severely as Xenadrine does. However, for whatever reason, this product has become extremely popular. Whenever a supplement gets really popular, my clients start asking about whether it works or not. As a Nutrition Coach, I feel obligated to test it for them so that I can give a more complete answer, and here it is…

Sorry to disappoint anyone who had high hopes for Xenadrine, but this supplement quite literally produced no benefits for me whatsoever. It didn’t help with my energy levels, exercise performance, or anything at all really. It just was a complete dud for me…no weight loss related benefits to speak of.

Now, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for anyone…it just didn’t work for me. It could be because I am used to taking supplements that are much more potent…who knows. Regardless, Xenadrine was a complete waste of money for me, and I will not be buying it again any time soon unless they drastically improve the formula.

Bottom Line: As a Nutrition Coach, I would never recommend this product to any of my clients based on my horrible experience testing it as well as my analysis of the SFP (supplement facts panel).

If you want to check out my personal favorite fat burner, here’s the review: Prime Shred

What does Xenadrine do?

What does Xenadrine do for you? For me, it did nothing lol. Sith that said, the product is designed to be a fat burner, but in order for a supplement to help you burn fat, it must contain sufficient dosages of the proper ingredients. The Xenadrine formula is not potent enough to produce real results, and it’s missing key ingredients such as appetite suppressants.

The Benefits of Xenadrine

Here are the *claimed* benefits of Xenadrine:

  • Can help free up fat stores
  • Uses natural ingredients to help boost energy levels
  • Could help you get more definition when taken with exercise

How Does Xenadrine Work?

Xenadrine is part of a very competitive marketplace full of weight loss supplements. There are tons of great supplements out there, but for every good one, there are about ten bad ones. So how do the good ones work?

The top fat burners all work in the same fashion. A good fat burner takes a multi-faceted approach to weight loss. The first aspect is focused on destroying fat that your body has already accumulated.

It’s important that a fat burner be able to free up fat from storage so that it can be released into your bloodstream and used as fuel. This is perhaps the most obvious requirement of a fat burner. However, there are other less obvious components of fat burners that must be at work in order for you to get maximum benefit.

The second important aspect is appetite suppression. The top fat burners all contain ingredients that have been shown to help suppress your appetite because while it is important to lose fat, you also need to be sure that you aren’t putting on any more fat…otherwise your efforts are futile.

Lastly, a fat burner must be able to boost your energy levels. This is primarily to help get you in the gym and maximize your efficiency while at the gym. No fat burner will work without vigorous exercise.

So, does either version of Xenadrine contain all of those components? We don’t think so. While it is a good supplement, we would recommend you check out some of our other reviews of the top fat burners.

Xenadrine ingredients list

The main Xenadrine ingredients are:

  • Green coffee bean
  • Caffeine anhydrous
  • L-Theanine
  • Yohimbe bark
  • Garcinia fruit

Xenadrine Core Blend

This version uses a 620 MG proprietary blend, which is not very appealing. However, it does include some effective ingredients. Among these are Green Coffee Bean Extract, Caffeine Anhydrous, L-Theanine, Yohimbe Bark Extract, and a few others.

Green Coffee Bean is one of the best ingredients out there when it comes to weight loss. Definitely keep an eye out for this stuff when you’re searching for a fat burner. The ingredient panel of Xenadrine Core is actually pretty impressive, but the fact that it uses a proprietary blend combined with the fact that said blend is only dosed at 620 MG is a big turn off for us.

Xenadrine Ultimate Blend

Ultimate uses two proprietary blends. The ingredient list is a little less extensive than that of Core, however, the overall potency is just a little bit higher. Also, this one discloses two of the dosages being Caffeine Anhydrous at 200 MG and Robusta Coffee Bean at 200 MG as well. These are very solid dosages of very solid ingredients.

The rest of the dosages are hidden, however, which is not ideal. The ingredients are still quality, though, including Yohimbe, Garcinia Fruit, and L-Theanine. Overall it looks as if Ultimate is the better choice over Core if you’re going to go with a Xenadrine product.


Xenadrine complaints & praise (info from real Xenadrine customer reviews)

Since this review is based on label analysis, we figured we would check out some actual user reviews to see what people thought of this stuff. There are a lot of Xenadrine reviews out there that claim this product is a scam and doesn’t work, which is a bad sign.

However, there are also a lot of positive Xenadrine reviews out there. Some users were happy with their results and said good things about the product. User reviews of Xenadrine are overall pretty mixed, so that makes it tough for us to recommend this stuff.

The Pros

  • Xenadrine has two different versions, which gives you the ability to choose
  • The ingredient list for each version is pretty extensive
  • Both contain high quality proven ingredients
  • Some user reviews are positive

The Cons

  • Both versions use a proprietary blend
  • Each version has a low overall potency compared to the other top fat burners

Is Xenadrine worth it? Our conclusion

Xenadrine has some awesome ingredients with some truly promising potential, but they are alll very under dosed in my opinion. The overall potency just isn’t as high as I would like to see. The fat burners I recommend usually have a potency that is at least twice that high. On top of that, I had a really bad personal experience with Xenadrine, so I do NOT recommend this supplement by any means.

Where to buy Xenadrine at the best price

First of all, how much does Xenadrine cost? Let’s take a look at where to buy Xenadrine & get the cheapest deal on prices:



Check Current Pricing






  1. An Evidence-Based Review of Fat Modifying Supplemental Weight Loss Products

  2. Natural products and body weight control

  3. Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).