Slimvance Review: Does This Fat Burner Work? My Results

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

Slimvance fat burner boxSlimvance is a natural fat burner by BodyDynamix that has become extremely popular as of late primarily due to the fact that it is sold inside of GNC stores. It’s important to understand that GNC picking up a supplement does not automatically mean that supplement is a good one. In this Slimvance review, we will explain why many people make the mistake of buying into that misconception.

I love GNC as much as the next guy, and there’s a lot of great supplements in there, but in my opinion, Slimvance just isn’t one of them. I’ll explain exactly why I believe that to be true in a later section when I evaluate the formula, but in short, it just really lacks potency and only contains three total ingredients…is that enough of a reason for you?

If not, keep reading this Slimvance review, but if you’d like to have a look at some much higher quality fat burners that are more worth your time, check out my list of the top 10 ranked best fat burner pills.

Slimvance Review by a Certified Nutrition Coach: Is Slimvance any good?

In short, no, Slimvance is not a good fat burner at all. It only contains three active ingredients that can truly be considered fat burning ingredients, and the overall potency is only 450 milligrams per serving, which is shockingly low. Standard overall potency for a fat burner is about 1,500 MG per serving. With that being said, since Slimvance has become a very popular fat burner, I figured I’d give it a try anyways. I took Slimvance for 30 days, and here’s what happened…

My Slimvance Results And Personal Experience

As a Nutrition Coach, I often get asked about whether or not natural fat burner supplements actually work. More specifically, I most often get asked about GNC fat burners like Slimvance by BodyDynamix. Generally, I like to base my reviews on science and the supplement facts because the facts don’t lie. However, in this case, I wanted to personally try the stuff just to prove to my clients that I’m right about it…

I took the full one month supply of Slimvance, and it did essentially nothing for me in terms of health benefits or weight loss. Most fat burners at least help you out in the gym in terms of athletic performance and enhancing your exercises, but not this one. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it quite literally produced no benefits for me. The only effect I noticed when taking Slimvance is that it boosted my energy levels a bit.

If I want an energy boost, why would I spend $50 on a supplement like this when I can buy cup of coffee for $2? There are many very effective natural fat burners that are worth the money, but this is not one of them in my opinion. This was a very bad experience and a waste of money for me personally.

Bottom Line: Slimvance did not work well for me at all, and I would never recommend this to my clients based on my negative experience with the product combined with my analysis of the supplement facts panel.

You can see my top natural fat burner recommendation here: Prime Shred Review.

What does Slimvance do?

What does Slimvance do for you? Well, Slimvance was designed to help people burn fat through the use of natural thermogenic ingredients. BodyDynamix, the creator of the product, calls it a thermogenic fat burner, but we have little-to-no confidence that it can actually live up to the claims being made. The formula is simply not strong enough.

Slimvance ingredients list

Here are the primary Slimvance ingredients:

  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Garcinia Cambogia
  • Capsimax
  • Piperine
  • Niacin

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine is obviously the most popular energy boosting ingredient on the planet, as just about everybody drinks coffee every day to reap its benefits. However, Caffeine Anhydrous specifically is the purest form of caffeine and actually can produce direct fat loss benefits.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia exploded onto the fat burner scene after it was talked about on several popular radio shows for its weight loss benefits. The reason there is so much hype around Garcinia Cambogia is because of the high concentration of Hydroxycitric Acid it contains. HCA is thought to have many weight loss benefits related to fat intake and metabolism.


Capsimax is a thermogenic ingredient, which means its purpose is to induce the process of thermogenesis within the body. Thermogenesis involves temporarily spiking internal body temperature (not to a noticeable level), and then decreasing the temperature back to normal. The point of the process is that it burns a lot of calories, which is why thermogenic ingredients are great.


Niacin is primarily a nitric oxide boosting ingredient. It helps dilate blood vessels and optimize blood flow. It does not necessarily have weight loss benefits in and of itself, but it can help your body function more efficiently overall through improving your circulation.

Proprietary Blend

I’d like to apologize in advance if you came to this Slimvance review with high hopes. Unfortunately, it’s my job to stay honest and maintain integrity, so I must now dash those hopes. This is one of the weakest nutrition labels I’ve seen in a long time. Let’s take a closer look…

The Slimvance formula is a 450 milligram proprietary blend of 3 total ingredients…yikes. To put that into perspective, our #1 ranked fat burner contains about 2,500 total milligrams per serving and 12 total ingredients.

So, we’re talking about a product that contains 2,000 less nutrients per serving and 9 less active fat burning ingredients when compared to our top rated fat burner. And this isn’t just the case when comparing it to our #1 ranked fat burner…it still is severely lacking nutrients and potency even when compared to our #2 and #3 ranked fat burners.

Need I say more?

Just in case you’re not familiar with the term “proprietary blend,” let’s talk about what that means for a moment. Companies use this term so that they don’t have to disclose dosage amounts for their ingredients.

Often times, companies claim they use proprietary blends to “protect their formulas,” but really it’s mostly so that they can skimp on their dosages without anybody knowing. Regular readers of mine know this already, but I always advise against supplements that contain proprietary blends.

Also, since the dosages are hidden, I am not able to properly evaluate the entire formula…but what I am able to tell you is that 450 milligrams of total nutrients is way too low regardless, so the specific dosage sizes really don’t matter in this case.

Slimvance pros and cons

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of Slimvance.

Slimvance benefits

This section won’t be particularly long as I don’t believe there are a whole lot of benefits that could result from taking Slimvance, but let’s at least cover the benefits that the company claims it can produce. Here are some of the reported Slimvance benefits…

  • Burn more calories
  • Lose more weight
  • Hip and waste reduction
  • Increase metabolism

Keep in mind, these are just the benefits that the company claims the product can produce. I am not in any way saying that I believe it’s capable of producing all or any of these benefits.

Slimvance side effects

Silmvance strictly contains natural herbs and extracts, and is therefore not likely to produce side effects for users. Most natural fat burners and natural supplements in general do not tend to produce side effects.

With that said, it does contain caffeine, so there’s a chance you could get anxiety, upset stomach, or headaches if you are sensitive to caffeine.

Other Slimvance cons

The big issues here are the proprietary blend and the lack of potency. As I mentioned earlier, the use of such a blend prevents us from knowing exactly what the supplement contains, and that’s a problem. We can’t be confident in its efficacy without complete transparency.

The overall potency is extremely low when compared to that of elite top shelf fat burners, which is the other very significant con to take into consideration. It simply is not strong enough to work in our opinion.

Slimvance complaints & praise ( Slimvance reviews from real customers)

Typically I like to personally try the supplement before I write my review, but when I come across one I really dislike, it’s ultimately not worth my money. My next move is to turn to my most reliable source of verified user reviews, which is Amazon, where I was able to find a total of 106 Slimvance reviews.

Across 106 customer reviews, it received an average rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars, which is pretty average. While 25% of users rated it 2 stars or lower, 52% of the users who submitted Slimvance reviews on Amazon gave it a 5-star rating, which is pretty surprising. Nonetheless, it does appear to be working for some people out there.

This data is simply too mixed for me to draw any further conclusions about the product. The feedback is roughly 50/50 positive versus negative, so there’s not a whole lot to go off of here. Regardless, I’m still way too turned off by the formula to try it.

Is Slimvance worth it? Our conclusion

At the end of the day, I simply can’t recommend this product to my readers. I generally don’t like writing negative reviews, but it’s important we give you the truth. The formula is unimpressive to say the least, and I simply don’t believe it’s potent enough to produce results.

Of course, this is all my opinion on the product. Some people reported positive results on Amazon, but in my view as a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant and long-time supplement analyst, I can’t get behind this stuff.

I’d strongly recommend avoiding Slimvance and instead opting for any one of our more highly recommended fat burners. You can view our top pick by visiting our Fat Burners category page!

Slimvance FAQs

How long does it take to see results with Slimvance?

In my opinion, you might be waiting a very long time to see any really noticeable results. With that said, it generally takes about a month to start noticing results when using natural fat burners.

Can you drink coffee with Slimvance?

You can drink coffee while also supplementing with Slimvance, but know that the supplement contains Caffeine Anhydrous. So, if you are drinking coffee on top of it, you may be taking in a little too much caffeine.

When should I take Slimvance?

You can take it whenever you want, but since it contains caffeine, it is best taken in the morning time. It is also probably better to take it after eating as opposed to taking it on an empty stomach.

Slimvance best price

First of all, how much does Slimvance cost? Let’s take a look at outlet prices:



Check Current Pricing






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Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).