Instant Knockout Review: Does It Work? My Results!

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

Instant Knockout Fat Burner ReviewInstant Knockout is a new and unique fat burner made of 100% all natural ingredients. This Instant Knockout review will look at the ingredients and potencies and determine the overall value.

As mentioned earlier, all the ingredients are all-natural, which is definitely something to keep an eye out for when you are searching for a fat burning supplement as some of these may contain unnatural ingredients that are not safe for everyone.

Instant Knockout consists of ingredients extracted mainly from plants and was originally designed for boxers and MMA fighters, and being a boxer myself, I felt inclined to look into this product.

Instant Knockout review by a Certified Nutrition Coach: Is Instant Knockout any good?

Instant Knockout delivers over 1,500 milligrams of total fat burning nutrients per serving, making it an exceptionally potent weight loss supplement. The ingredients include appetite suppressants, metabolism boosters, and thermogenic nutrients. This combination of ingredients makes for a pretty effective fat burner, which earned it a ranking spot in our top three. I actually personally tried Instant Knockout as well and got some pretty good results…

My Instant Knockout Results And Personal Experience

The focus of my reviews is always on the supplement facts and the science, but as a Nutrition Coach, I feel a lot more comfortable recommending a supplement that I have actually personally tested. Instant Knockout is a supplement I have always liked ever since came out, but it wasn’t all that popular at first. Now that a lot of my clients are asking me about it, I felt obligated to try it. Here are my personal Instant Knockout results after taking a one month supply…

I really liked the way Instant Knockout made me feel in terms of my overall energy levels, especially in the gym. I found that it overall made me stronger, faster, and more focused while working out, which was awesome. My main goal with taking the supplement was to get a six pack, and after 30 days, I’m proud to say I achieved that goal! Instant Knockout worked pretty well for me, but keep in mind I was also exercising daily and eating healthy.

If I had to pick one Instant Knockout benefit that I found to be the most significant, I think I’d have to go with the appetite suppression aspect of it. When you are cutting (trying to burn fat and/or lose weight), one of the hardest parts of the cut process is not eating. Exercising is easy, but for an effective cut, you really need to take in less calories. Instant Knockout was great for my cut process because the big dosage of Glucomannan keeps you feeling full.

Bottom Line: I personally got very good results with Instant Knockout when using it for cutting, and I recommend this supplement to my clients frequently…the only fat burner I recommend more often is called Prime Shred.

Where to buy Instant Knockout by Roar Ambition at the best price

First of all, how much does Instant Knockout cost? Let’s take a look at where to buy Instant Knockout & get the cheapest deal on prices:



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Are there any Instant Knockout coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

At this time, there are no Instant Knockout coupon codes available. However, this supplement is pretty inexpensive. We don’t see promo codes as a major concern here since the price is already so low. With that said, we will update this review if they run a promo code in the future!

What does Instant Knockout do?

What does Instant Knockout do for you? In order to lose weight, you simply need to expend more calories than you consume. Through the use of metabolism boosters and thermogenic ingredients, Instant Knockout significantly increases your calorie expenditure. It also contains appetite suppressants, which decrease calorie intake, making it the perfect solution.

Instant Knockout ingredients list

The main Instant Knockout ingredients are:

  • Green Tea
  • Glucomannan
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Green Coffee Bean
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Piperine
  • Chromium

Green Tea

Green Tea is your metabolism boosting ingredient. Green tea contains a natural antioxidant known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). EGCG excites your metabolism, thereby causing your nervous system to push fat into your bloodstream. This can aid your body in actually using the fat as fuel instead of just letting it sit there entirely useless.

Additionally, green tea contains an antioxidant (catechin polyphenols) that can cause your body to use carbohydrates much slower than it normally would. This is going to increase your endurance. You will likely be more energetic throughout the day, and able to exercise for longer periods of time.

Yet another benefit of green tea is that it not only burns the fat you already have, but it also can prevent your body from creating more fat. How? Your body creates triglyceride from certain elements of food you consume in order to carry out some necessary bodily function.

Triglyceride is very important, but your body doesn’t know exactly how much of it to produce. This is an issue because left over triglyceride turns into fat. Green tea can effectively dissolve any left over triglyceride your body has created, thereby preventing your body from creating unnecessary fat.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper is part of Instant Knockout’s formula because it raises your body temperature, causing your body to fight back. In order to cool your body temperature, your body must use energy and burn calories.

This process is known as thermogenesis, and several natural nutrients have been identified as thermogenic ingredients, which means they have the ability to induce thermogenesis. Cayenne Pepper is one of the most powerful thermogenic ingredients available.

When supplementing with Cayenne Pepper, you can be burning calories without even knowing it via thermogenesis. The internal temperature boost this ingredient causes can provide additional help with raising your metabolic rate, which again is key for burning fat.


Glucomannan is a key ingredient for maximum fat loss. This is your, “craving killer.” Glucomannan is the ingredient we talked about earlier that can lead to significant appetite reduction, leading to fewer meals and less fat. How does this appetite suppressant work?

Glucomannan is extracted from the konjac plant, which is very well known for the amount of dietary fiber it contains. This fibre swells up on your stomach, which causes you to feel full, and there’s no better feeling than being full. When you feel full, you don’t want to eat. This is how glucomannan effectively decreases appetite and cravings.

The aforementioned three ingredients are the main components of the formula and the most significant contributors to the fat burning process. However, the rest of the ingredients are there to provide some additional help. I’ll briefly go over the purpose of the remaining ingredients with you.

Green Coffee Bean

Green Coffee Bean is simply un-roasted coffee bean, which is important because prior to being roasted, coffee beans contain many beneficial fat burning compounds. The roasting of the coffee bean essentially nukes most of the beneficial nutrients out of the bean. Studies have shown that the green coffee bean may allow the body to absorb fat at a much slower rate. In other words, it could help you absorb less fat than usual.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine Anhydrous is the purest form of caffeine in existence, and it works with green tea and cayenne pepper by enhancing their effects. Most everyone knows that caffeine improves focus and concentration, and recent studies suggest that taking caffeine before a workout can enhance athletic performance. For this reason, we recommend taking Instant Knockout right before exercising.


Zinc has been shown to aid the body in processing everything you eat in order to help create fuel and maintain high energy levels. Studies have also shown a strong link between zinc and testosterone production in men, which is important because testosterone is an extremely important hormone that is directly correlated to fat loss and increasing lean muscle mass. Since it can effect testosterone, Zinc is a popular supplement in the bodybuilding world.

Instant Knockout Ingredients list and supplement facts

Instant Knockout pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of Instant Knockout.

Instant Knockout benefits

There are plenty of Instant Knockout health benefits for users to experience due to the tremendous amount of nutrients each serving contains. These benefits can include reduced appetite, higher energy levels, accelerated fat burning, and elevated metabolism.

It’s important to remember that weight loss really isn’t as difficult as most people think. It’s as simple as making sure that your calorie expenditure is higher than your calorie intake every day. As long as this happens every day, you will lose weight over time.

Instant Knockout pills likely can not accomplish this on their own, but they can be a huge help if you combine it with exercise and a healthy diet. This is one of the only fat burners on the market that contains an effective balance of appetite suppressants (calorie intake reducers) and ingredients that help burn calories.

Instant Knockout side effects

It’s highly unlikely for most users to experience any Instant Knockout side effect since the formula is 100% natural. It does not contain any prescription ingredients. The formula strictly consists of plant extracts, minerals, and vitamins.

However, it does contain stimulants such as Caffeine Anhydrous. Therefore, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you may experience side effects such as headaches, upset stomach, or anxiety. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, make sure you consult your doctor before trying Instant Knockout.

Other Instant Knockout cons

We would normally include any other cons about the product in this section, but there’s honestly not much to complain about here. The only potential issue is, as we mentioned before, it does contain a stimulant in caffeine anhydrous. If you don’t do well with caffeine or stimulants in general, you may want to opt for another fat burner.

Instant Knockout complaints & praise (info from real Instant Knockout customer reviews)

Since Instant Knockout is sold on Amazon, we were able to gather information from reviews submitted by verified buyers on their website. At the time of writing, there’s a total of about 1000 Instant Knockout reviews on Amazon.

It received an average rating of about 4 stars out of 5, which is well above average. Additionally, about 50% of customers rated it 5 stars out of 5, which is another very encouraging statistic. Lastly, a whopping 80% of customers rated it between 3-5 stars.

Overall, with the exception of a few negative reviews, the customer feedback appears to be exceptionally positive. These customer reviews confirm that our initial analysis of the formula was accurate.

Is Instant Knockout worth it? Our conclusion

All things considered, yes Instant Knockout is certainly worth it in our opinion. The Supplement Facts Panel (SFP) is extremely impressive, showcasing 10 active ingredients with an overall potency of over 1,500 milligrams per serving.

Plus, the ingredients themselves are very high quality. This is a very well formulated combination of appetite suppressants and thermogenic nutrients. Last but not least, the Instant Knockout reviews we read were overall very positive, which is the final box we needed to check.

As a result of our SFP analysis, Instant Knockout is our official #1 recommended fat burner.

Order Instant Knockout – Direct From Manufacturer


Instant Knockout FAQs

How do you use Instant Knockout fat burner?

Instant Knockout is very simple to use. Simply take the recommended dosage as specified on the back every day. We recommend taking it after having eaten so that it does not upset your stomach. Additionally, it is best to take it before exercising so that you can put the energy boost to use!

Who sells Instant Knockout?

Instant Knockout was created by Roar Ambition, which is a very reputable company in the sports nutrition space with several excellent products. To visit their website directly, simply click the link above.

Click here to view our top 10 recommendations (Instant Knockout is #3): Best Fat Burners


  1. An Evidence-Based Review of Fat Modifying Supplemental Weight Loss Products

  2. Natural products and body weight control

  3. Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism

  4. Safety and Efficacy of Glucomannan for Weight Loss in Overweight and Moderately Obese Adults

  5. Can green tea preparations help with weight loss?

  6. Supplementation of green coffee bean extract in healthy overweight subjects increases lean mass/fat mass ratio: A randomized, double-blind clinical study

  7. Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications

  8. Effects of coffee and caffeine anhydrous on strength and sprint performance

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).