Fat Burn X Review: Do These Pills Really Work?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

Fat Burn X Review

Fat Burn X is a fat burner that has been getting a lot of attention lately, and the purpose of this Fat Burn X review is to clarify whether or not it deserves all of the attention it has been getting.

There are many Fat Burn X reviews out there and while it appears to be a fairly effective fat burner, we don’t believe it to be a top-notch supplement. Based on the facts, it is not going to be as effective as the fat burners we have ranked as the top three on our website.

We would recommend you take a look at our most highly recommended top 10 fat burners, but with that said, read on to find out why this overall solid fat burner did not make it into our top 10.

Benefits Of Fat Burn X

Here are the key benefits of Fat Burn X:

  • Eliminate fat
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Boost metabolism
  • Perform better in the gym

How Does Fat Burn X Work?

Fat Burn X uses many popular ingredients that are often thought to be fat burners in themselves. These ingredients work by speeding up your metabolism and putting your body into a fat burning state.

This simply means that your body is more inclined to burn fat whenever possible, and when your body is always looking to burn fat, it makes it much easier for you to build muscle. That is the idea behind the majority of fat burners, and a lot of them are effective for that reason.

So why isn’t Fat Burn X considered one of the best fat burners out there?

What we don’t like about Fat Burn X is the fact that the website does not give the exact formula or the exact amount of every ingredient. While they mention a few ingredients that are widely considered to be effective fat burners, you have to actually order the product in order to figure out what exactly is in it.

The website is rather dodgy and does not give a very detailed explanation as to how exactly Fat Burn X is supposed to work, and without knowing the exact formula, the consumer really can not determine for himself whether it is truly effective.

And in our minds, this begs the question… if the manufacturer was truly proud of the exact formula, why would they hide it instead of showing it off?

Fat Burn X Ingredients

Here are the primary ingredients used in Fat Burn X:

  • Green Tea Extract
  • Grapefruit Extract
  • Caffeine
  • Citrus Aurantium

In terms of Fat Burn X ingredients, it does contain some of the best: green tea extract, grapefruit extract, caffeine, citrus aurantium, and antioxidants. These are all important and effective ingredients within a fat burner, but the amounts are not disclosed on the website, so there is no way of knowing whether or not there is a sufficient amount of each ingredient in there.

One reason this could be a serious issue is if you are someone who struggles with heart problems and/or is intolerant to caffeine. Without knowing exactly how much caffeine is in there, you might not be able to determine if this supplement would be safe for you to take.

In terms of the remaining ingredients, those amounts are also left undisclosed on the website. These ingredients are only considered effective when a certain amount is ingested, and if there is an insufficient amount, then the supplement may not be effective. For that reason, we would recommend looking into other fat burners before spending your money on this one.

Other Fat Burn X Reviews Based On Personal Results

We read some reviews written by people who decided to try the fat burner, and there was honestly not much to see there. People don’t seem to be getting very serious results based on the Fat Burn X reviews we read.

Some of the reviews had positive things to say, but quite a few of the reviews contained complaints. Whether or not this is an accurate indicator of whether Fat Burn X works is for you to decide. However, why would you buy a supplement that you don’t know works when you can buy one that you can be positive is going to produce results?

The Fat Burn X reviews we read were overall not great, and we personally would not take the risk of buying this product.

The Pros

  • Contains proven fat burning ingredients
  • Some of the Fat Burn X reviews had positive things to say

The Cons

  • The amount of each ingredient is not disclosed, so we are unable to determine how effective it truly is
  • The website does not provide a whole lot of information about the product
  • Some of the reviews we read for this product were negative
  • Fat Burn X is very expensive

Fat Burn X Conclusion & Our Recommendation

Fat Burn X does contain some effective fat burning ingredients and there is a chance that it could be an effective fat burner, however the website does not give us enough information to determine for certain that it is effective.

For that reason, we would recommend you look into other fat burners. Our #1 ranked fat burner, Instant Knockout is a great option. We recommend you check out our review of this product in our Fat Burner Section, where you will be able to see for yourself that they are truly effective.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).