Green Coffee Bean for Weight Loss: Do They Work Without Side Effects?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Supplement Ingredients

Green Coffee Beans Weight LossGreen coffee bean weight loss is a huge topic right now. Turn to the world of weight loss supplements and one of the first things that you find is green coffee beans. It is now touted to be one of the most effective ways to lose weight.

Considering that there are so many scams in the weight loss market it is important to look into green coffee beans and find out whether they really work. This article looks into green coffee beans for weight loss and other benefits that you may get from consuming green coffee beans and also any side effects that may be experienced.

Most of us know coffee beans to be brown. Green coffee beans, however, are just that they are coffee beans straight from the plant before they have been roasted to give them their special aroma. The reason why green coffee beans are effective in weight loss is because they contain a compound called chlorogenic acid. When roasted, this compound is broken down rendering roasted coffee beans ineffective for weight loss.

It is interesting to note that it isn’t clear why chlorogenic acid is effective in weight loss management. The current science suggests that it inhibits the absorption of glucose into the blood and it also reduces calories in carbohydrates.

When both glucose and carbohydrates get into the system they are converted into fats. Because green coffee beans prevent this from happening the body is forced to rely on the fat it already has in store, causing weight loss.

A study to prove the effectiveness of green coffee beans for weight loss was conducted at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania and involved only 16 subjects. One group was given green coffee bean extract that they were supposed to take for 22 weeks 3 times a day just before meals. The other was given a placebo.

The study found that those who took the green coffee bean extract lost an average of 17 pounds. Dr. Oz also conducted an anecdotal study on TV. He got 100 volunteers to take part. They were not supposed to alter their diet or their exercise routine. Those who took green coffee bean extract lost almost twice as much weight as those who took the placebo.

Green Coffee Bean Benefits

There are many other health benefits of green coffee beans. Because green coffee beans alter the way your body reacts with carbohydrates they may be effective in reducing the risk of diabetes. In addition to that:

  • Green tea has also been shown to expand blood vessels, which has an overall positive effect of many health issues
  • Some studies have shown that green coffee beans may also be effective for high blood pressure. In both rats and humans, it lowered blood pressure quite significantly
  • It is known to have some antioxidants that is great for better overall health

Green Coffee Bean Extract Dosage

There is no set dosage of green coffee bean extract that you should take. That said, the most effective brands are those that contain between 120 and 300 milligrams of chlorogenic acid. You should also make sure to buy a brand that is reputable as there are many fake green coffee beans extract in the market

Green Coffee Bean Side Effects

So far, green coffee bean extract has proven to be rather safe. In some studies, some participants had to drop out because they experienced headaches and also developed urinary tract infections. It was impossible to conclusively link the condition to green coffee beans. There are other side effects but you should note that they are rare:

Some people say that they feel anxious, jittery and on edge when they take it. It should be noted that green coffee beans contain caffeine just like roasted coffee beans. If you don’t do well with coffee you may not do very well with green coffee bean extract.

  • Some people experience light stools. This has been linked to the chlorogenic acid that has a laxative effect.
  • It has been known to cause allergies in people who are especially sensitive.
  • Are there any people who should not take it?
  • Like other supplements, there are some people for whom green coffee beans are not recommended:
  • There has been no research to show how it interacts with fetuses so pregnant women shouldn’t take it.
  • Lactating mothers should also avoid it.
  • If you suffer a chronic illness that requires constant medicating check with your doctor before taking green coffee beans extract.
  • Children and teenagers should not take it if they overweight they should exercise and correct their diet instead of taking green coffee beans. This is because there is no research to show how it interacts with a growing body.


Green tea extract is a great way to lose weight although there is no conclusive research it has been shown to work for most people. Experiment with some quality brands and see if green coffee beans for weight loss works for you.

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Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).