Six Star Whey Protein Plus Review & Side Effects {Is Six Star Protein Good?}

by Joe Costello, CNC | Protein Powders

Six Star Whey Protein Review

Six Star Whey Protein is one out of hundreds of protein powders on the market with star athletes claiming it works…but is there really anything that separates Six Star Whey Protein from the rest? You’ll find out in this Six Star whey protein review…

Check out my list of the top 10 BEST PROTEIN POWDERS to learn about some of my favorite options available today, or keep reading this Six Star Whey Protein review to learn why I do NOT recommend it…

By the way, the best ranked protein powder on that list is the only protein powder on the market that uses 100% pure whey protein hydrolysate, which is likely the reason why it has helped me gain so much muscle in such a short period of time…I still use it to this day.

Where to buy Six Star whey protein

First of all, what’s the current Six Star whey protein price? Let’s take a look at where to buy Six Star whey protein & get the cheapest deal on prices:



Check Current Pricing



Six Star Pro


Are there any Six Star whey protein coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

There are currently no available Six Star whey protein coupon codes. This is unfortunate, but to be honest, we still wouldn’t recommend it even if we had a discount code for you. It’s just way too low quality of a product for us to feel comfortable recommending it to our readers.

Six Star Pro Nutrition Whey Protein Plus Review (Is Six Star protein good?)

I’m a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, ex-NCAA football player, boxer, and avid weightlifter for 15+ years…so I’ve tried a LOT of different protein powders.

Personally, I would never take Six Star Whey Protein based on the fact that the primary protein source is whey protein concentrate, which I strongly disapprove of. For me, it’s whey protein isolate or nothing. But, check out the rest of my Six Star Pro Nutrition Whey Protein Plus review below to see if it’s right for you!

About Six Star Pro Nutrition

Six Star Pro Nutrition is a major player in the nutritional supplement space. They use New England Patriot’s star tight end, Rob Gronkowski, as their spokesperson, so clearly they have a mega-advertising budget.

What Is Six Star Whey Protein?

Six Star Whey Protein is a protein powder that primarily uses whey protein to help your body get the protein it needs right after a workout. From the makers of Muscletech, this product claims to be 70% better than regular whey alone. They utilize instantized whey for easy mixing and also incorporate a proven muscle and strength builder to make sure you are getting the most out of your workouts.

How Does Six Star Whey Protein Work?

Six Star Whey Protein works by using a fast acting whey protein solution to help your muscles absorb the proteins and amino acids as quickly as possible. This is important after a workout because it helps your muscles start rebuilding quicker and get rid of any soreness you might feel the next day.

Delayed onset muscle soreness, otherwise known as “DOMS”, keeps many people from hitting the gym and can slow down your gains. Supplementing a protein blend can help you get more out of your lifts and also get you back into the gym quicker than ever.

What are the best Six Star protein flavors? Choose from this list:

Below is a list of the most popular Six Star protein flavors. I haven’t tested any of these personally because, like I said before, I would never take this product. However, these flavors are the most frequently bought:

  • Triple chocolate
  • Strawberry smoothie
  • Vanilla cream
  • Cookies & cream

Six Star Whey Protein Ingredients

Below is an image of the Six Star whey protein ingredients as listed on the back of the label. However, in the section below, I will further break down the ingredients and explain why I am not a fan of this product. Let’s take a look…

six star whey protein ingredients

Protein Blend

Six Star Whey Protein utilizes an instantized version of whey protein to help your body digest it as quickly as possible. When looking through protein blends of different supplements you want to make sure that the protein source is a high quality one and that there are no other cheap sources dirtying your blend.

Many different brands try to market their multiple sources of protein as being a good thing, when really they are just looking to spend less money by using cheaper sources of protein…this blend consists primarily of whey protein concentrate, which is actually the worst source of protein in my opinion.


Six Star Whey Protein delivers BCAAs but does not tell us in what quantity. BCAA is a necessary addition to any protein blend. BCAAs can help significantly improve your muscle growth and reduce your recovery time, but higher quality protein sources have much higher BCAA counts, which is why I’m not a fan of whey protein concentrate.

Unfortunately, many protein supplements do not use high quality protein sources so that they can save money. If the current protein powder you are using is based on whey protein concentrate, I’d recommend getting rid of it right away and switching over to whey protein hydrolysate.

Whey protein hydrolysate has a naturally much higher BCAA count, plus it is the only form of protein that has undergone both the processes of cross-flow micro filtration, AND enzymatic hydrolysis. These processes make it the cleanest, purest form of protein obtainable.

Six Star Whey Protein nutrition facts

The Six Star whey protein nutritional information in one serving is:

  • Calories: 180
  • Total Fat: 2g
  • Cholesterol: 55mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 9g
  • Protein: 30g
  • Sodium:170mg
  • Creatine Monohydrate: 2.5g

In my opinion, these nutrition facts are just more bad news for this supplement. The calorie count is too high, and ideally, it shouldn’t contain any fat…but unfortunately, there’s 2 grams of fat in every serving.

Additionally, the sodium count is about three times as high as it needs to be, and theres 9 grams of carbs when there really should be zero. If you want to gain lean muscle mass, you need to be avoiding fat, carbs, and sodium.

Six Star Whey Protein Plus reviews from REAL users

Even though I’d never recommend this product due to its use of whey protein concentrate, I still believe it’s important to take a look at some of the Six Star Whey Protein Plus reviews to see what people are saying about it…

Six Star review ratings from customers

Amazon is a very solid place to go to find verified customer Six Star reviews, and when it comes to Six Star Whey Protein, Amazon customers seem to be pretty satisfied.

There’s a total of about 1,800 Six Star Whey Protein reviews at the time of writing, and it has received an average rating of about 4 stars, which is pretty impressive. It seems people are happy with the taste and the low cost, which makes this a solid option for people who need a cheap protein powder.

However, if you’re looking for the best of the best, you’re going to need to spend a few extra bucks…in my opinion, it’s 100% worth it, but that’s your call. If you want to use a protein source that contains fat, lactose, and cholesterol, that is your prerogative.

Six Star whey protein dosage: How much 6 Star whey protein should you take & when?

The Six Star Whey Protein dosage is simply one scoop of the protein powder mixed in with a glass of water. They don’t specify on the label when you should take it, but in my opinion, you should take it within 30 minutes after finishing your workout to get optimal results in terms of growth and recovery.

Pros & cons of Six Star Pro Nutrition Elite Series whey protein powder

Check out these Six Star Pro Nutrition Elite Series whey protein powder pros & cons:

Pros of 6 Star Protein Powder

The main 6 Star protein powder pros are:

  • Low fat
  • Works quickly
  • Builds lean muscle
  • 100% instantized whey protein
  • Delivers BCAAs and glutamine
  • Helps improve recovery time

Is Six Star whey protein good for weight loss?

For those wondering, does Six Star whey protein help you lose weight? The answer is no. There are no ingredients in the formula that would directly lead to weight loss. It also uses a very unpure blend of protein, which does not bode well for people who want to lose weight.

But is Six Star whey protein good for weight gain?

For those wondering, does Six Star whey protein make you gain weight? No, it’s not likely that it would cause you to gain weight. This protein blend is too weak to help you gain muscle, but it could cause fat gain due to high counts of fat, sugar, and more.

Cons of Six Star whey protein powder

The main Six Star whey protein powder cons are:

  • High calories
  • Not too impressive
  • Whey protein concentrate is not as healthy as isolate

Six Star Whey Protein side effects

Check out these Six Star whey protein side effects, pros & cons.

So, what are the Six Star whey protein side effects?

Due to the high amounts of fat, sugar, carbs, and sodium, it’s possible that Six Star may actually cause fat gain. All protein powders should be as close as possible to zero fat, zero sugar, and zero carbs, but this one has a lot of all three…bad news.

Is Six Star Whey Protein Good or Bad? Our Conclusion

So, is Six Star whey protein good or bad? As you might have gathered from our Six Star Whey Protein Elite Series review, it does not stand out as a top product on the market today. While it does contain a pretty good amount of protein, the overwhelming portion of that protein comes from whey protein concentrate, which is not as healthy as whey protein isolate and certainly not as effective as whey protein hydrolysate.

Hydrolysate is by far the purest form of whey protein powder on the market. Check out our Protein Powders category to find the most top shelf options.

Six Star Whey Protein Elite Series review FAQs

Is Six Star whey protein safe?

This is nothing more than your average protein powder. There is nothing in the product that raises any flags or would cause me to believe it is not safe. It may not be effective, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not safe.

Does Six Star whey protein have creatine in it?

No, Six Star whey protein does not contain creatine of any kind. Most protein powders do not contain creatine, nor should they. Creatine is a great supplement in and of itself, but there’s really no place for creatine in any protein powder formula.

Does Six Star whey protein have caffeine?

No, there is no caffeine in this product. Whey protein powders generally do not and should not have caffeine. Protein powder is designed for recovery and is meant to be taken after a workout. Therefore, there really is no need for the use of caffeine at all.

Does Six Star whey protein expire?

Most protein powders expire about a year or two after the date they are manufactured. Therefore, as long as you finish the jar you order within a few months, you should be well ahead of the expiration date. This is not something I’d be too concerned about.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).