Jym Pre Workout Review: Is This Supplement Worth It?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Pre Workout

Pre Jym Pre Workout ReviewJym Pre Workout is quickly rising towards the top as one of the best pre workout powders out there. With that said, it still does NOT manage to rank amongst our top 5 best Pre Workout Powders.

Read this Jym Pre Workout review to find out why we think it’s a decent supplement but not quite worthy of a spot in the top five.

Pre Jym Review by a Certified Nutrition Coach: Is Jym pre workout any good?

It’s our opinion that Jym Pre Workout is extremely overrated. If you actually break down the formula step by step, it’s simply not that good. The overall potency is low, it uses Creatine HCL instead of Monohydrate, and the Beta Alanine is not clinically dosed. We don’t recommend Pre Jym for these reasons.

What are the best Jym Pre Workout flavors? Choose from this list:

Jym Pre Workout comes in a load of different flavors, and some of them are pretty good tasting. The most popular one is their Pineapple Strawberry flavor. Here is a list of our favorite flavors:

  • Pineapple Strawberry
  • Black Cherry
  • Grape Candy
  • Pink Lemonade
  • Rainbow Sherbert
  • Refreshing Melon
  • Strawberry Kiwi

How Does Jym Pre Workout Work?

Energy Boosting

The powerful ingredients in Jym Pre Workout can spike your energy levels very soon after ingestion. Having adequate energy levels from a pre workout product is essential in order for the other objectives to take place.

While the energy boost in itself does not produce muscle-building benefits, it can lead to focus, concentration, and delayed fatigue, which CAN produce muscle-building benefits. Fast growth and improved performance are hard to achieve without having the proper focus and concentration. The best pre workout powders are always going to have an efficient energy blend that delivers laser mental focus.

Nitric Oxide Boosting

Certain ingredients (details in the “Ingredients” section) can cause nitric oxide levels to increase. The reason this is key is because it can mean better blood flow, and blood is what carries the nutrients to your muscles. If you can more efficiently get the blood and nutrients to your muscle, then they are likely to grow faster.

Another thing you will consistently find in top-shelf pre workout supplements is a nitric oxide boosting component. Better blood flow can mean faster muscle growth and for that reason, you want to make sure your pre workout supplement has a nitric oxide boosting component to it.

Growth & Recovery

Once the nutrients are able to travel more efficiently, they could more effectively grow muscle and promote faster recovery. There are several ingredients in Jym Pre Workout that can help build and grow muscle once they get to where they need to be.

If a pre workout powder focuses too much on energy boosting and doesn’t have a significant muscle growth component, then you should definitely look somewhere else. All of the best pre workout powders have the ability to multitask (energy, blood flow, growth, recovery).

Jym Pre Workout ingredients list

Here are the primary ingredients in Jym Pre Workout:

  • Beta Alanine
  • Creatine HCL
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine
  • Citrulline Malate

Beta Alanine

Over 20 scientific studies show this ingredient’s ability to increase endurance as well as performance. This means that your muscles can perform more optimally and for a longer period of time. This ingredient is crucial in any pre workout powder.

Without Beta Alanine, you likely won’t make anywhere near as much progress. Jym provides a respectable amount at 2,000 milligrams per serving…but PreSeries BULK Pre Workout gives you TWICE the dose of BA – 4,000 milligrams.

Leucine, Isoleucine, & Valine

These are the keys to speedy muscle growth. It is near impossible for a pre workout powder to do its job without at least a couple grams of BCAAs. This particular supplement has 6 grams, which is more than enough to help ensure fast growth and proper recovery.

Citrulline Malate

This is how you can boost your nitric oxide levels and get the nutrients and oxygen to flow to where they need to go. In addition, Citrulline is what can lead to bigger pumps and increased endurance.

You don’t only look bigger as a result of bigger pumps…it also means that your muscles are working at maximum efficiency. A lot of people mistake pumps for being temporary. While your muscles won’t look as big once your workout is completed, the pump can signify more effective future growth.

Creatine HCL

CHCL has been shown to help you lift more weight for longer periods of time. Your muscles can become stronger and your contractions can become more powerful. The problem is it is only dosed at 2,000 milligrams, which is less than half of what the dosage should be. Plus, Creatine Monohydrate has been proven to be more effective than Creatine HCL.

Jym Pre Workout pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of Jym Pre Workout.

Jym Pre Workout benefits

These are the key benefits of Jym Pre Workout:

  • Can enhance performance
  • Could improve strength and endurance
  • Certain ingredients can lead to increased energy levels
  • Some nutrients help to improve blood flow
  • Can lead to more efficient nutrient absorption

Jym Pre Workout side effects

The problem with the Jym Pre Workout formula (aside from under-dosed or missing nutrients) is that there is way too much caffeine in it. Each serving contains 300 milligrams of Caffeine anhydrous, which is about 50% more than you really need.

Some people may not notice a difference, but anyone who is sensitive to caffeine or prone to anxiety is going to have a hard time with this big of a dosage. You could experience side effects including migraines, anxiety, jitters, and stomach aches.

Other Jym Pre Workout cons

As I mentioned before, the bigger issue is not what’s in the formula…it’s what isn’t in the formula. It uses Creatine HCL, which is inferior to Creatine Monohydrate. Plus, even if you prefer Creatine HCL, you’re still only getting 2,000 milligrams per serving when you should be getting 5,000.

The Beta Alanine dosage should also technically be 3,200 milligrams clinically speaking, so 2,000 grams is pretty low. This isn’t a major problem, but it is worth pointing out.

Jym Pre Workout complaints & praise (info from real Jym Pre Workout customer reviews)

Jym Pre Workout has received over 4,000 customer reviews on Amazon, which is a very large sample size. This gives us some real data to work with. Again, our analysis is strictly based on the Supplement Facts Panel, and the facts are always more important…but it can’t hurt to check out some reviews.

Across over 4,000 Jym Pre Workout reviews, it earned an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars, which is pretty good. It seems the vast majority of customer reviews are positive, with only about 15% of the reviews being negative.

This data is undoubtedly impressive and encouraging, but it does not change my mind. Factually speaking, there are pre workout powders with better formulas. It just comes down to the numbers…I know there are better formulated products, so I’m going to stick with those.

Is Jym Pre Workout worth it? Our conclusion

All things considered, we do not believe Jym Pre Workout is worth it. Despite the positive reviews it has received, the formula simply can not compete with the truly elite pre workout supplements. It’s not a bad supplement, but the dosages are low and it uses inferior versions of important ingredients. Go to our Pre Workout home page to see our top choices!

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).