4 Gauge Pre Workout Review: Is This Supplement Worth It?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Pre Workout

4 Gauge pre workout powder outside of the jar4 Gauge is a brand new pre-workout supplement that is already becoming extremely popular. It contains everything you need for a major pumps, high energy levels, and serious results without any of the BS.

Check out this 4 Gauge pre workout review to learn how this ultra powerful pre workout managed to earn a ranking spot on our list of the Best Pre Workout Supplements.

4 Gauge Pre Workout Review: Is 4 Gauge Pre Workout any good?

4 Gauge pre workout is one of the best pre workout supplements on the market this year due to its exceptionally high overall potency and efficient use of nitric oxide boosters. It provides 6,000 milligrams of Citrulline Malate, which is extremely powerful.

With an overall potency of over 8,500 milligrams per serving, 4 Gauge is the real deal. This stuff packs a powerful punch and contains all the necessary ingredients for enhancing exercise performance, boosting endurance and increasing strength.

Where to buy 4 Gauge Pre Workout at the best price

First of all, how much does 4 Gauge Pre Workout cost? Let’s take a look at where to buy 4 Gauge Pre Workout & get the cheapest deal on prices:



Check Current Pricing

Direct From Manufacturer


Not available anywhere else


Are there any 4 Gauge Pre Workout coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

There are currently no active 4 Gauge discount codes, but honestly you don’t need one in this case. Of course it would be nice to save some money, but 4 Gauge is much less expensive than the big brand name pre workout powders.

You already are getting a discount just by choosing 4 Gauge over big brand pre workout because all of the major brands overprice their products. Plus, if you buy 4 Gauge in bulk, you start to see some serious savings and discounts.

What does 4 Gauge Pre Workout do?

Man holding pre workout drinkWhat does 4 Gauge Pre Workout do for you? 4 Gauge provides your body with all of the necessary nutrients to optimize your performance in the gym including nitric oxide boosters, creatine, and caffeine.

We’ll talk more about the benefits and ingredients later on, but essentially what it does for you is maximize your energy levels, boost endurance, and optimize blood flow for better muscle pumps and increased strength.

4 Gauge Ingredients List

Here are the primary 4 Gauge Pre Workout ingredients:

  • Citrulline Malate
  • Creatine Monohydrate
  • L-Carnitine
  • L-Theanine
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Red Beet Root Extract

Citrulline Malate

Citrulline is the primary nitric oxide booster in this formula. Usually, the key NO booster is either Arginine or Citrulline.

They both are excellent, but we actually like pre workout supplements that include citrulline because certain studies have shown that when it comes to building muscle, Citrulline can actually be up to twice as effective as Arginine.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is perhaps the most clinically studied ingredient in all of sports nutrition. Countless clinical studies have shown that creatine monohydrate when taken as a pre workout supplement significantly improves strength.

Athletes who use creatine monohydrate experience near immediate increases in the amount of weight they are able to lift, which is why it is best taken as a pre workout supplement rather than post workout. You want to make the creatine available to your muscles during your workout instead of after your workout.


L-Carnitine is one of the most popular fat burners in the industry for a reason. It may just be a BCAA, but studies have shown that it has the ability to transport fat to the mitochondria, which it can then be burned away as a fuel source for your body.

In other words, with L-Carnitine delivering fat to the mitochondria, you can be sure that your body is using fat as a fuel source rather than something else. This could ultimately lead to a decrease in body fat percentage, which additionally helps to accentuate your muscles and give you that ripped look.


L-Theanine can be an extremely beneficial BCAA for muscle growth, but it is perhaps actually more important for staying focused. Busy people are often sleep deprived, which means they have trouble focusing and performing efficiently during their workouts…that’s where L-Theanine comes in.

It has been shown to prevent sleep deprivation from effecting focus levels, which means that even if you didn’t sleep well the night before, you should still be able to get a good workout and maintain solid concentration levels all the way through.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Anhydrous is the purest form of caffeine in the world, making it the best stimulant you could possibly use. The high concentration of caffeine shoots your energy levels up and helps you maintain focus on the task at hand, which is why people tend to be less efficient when they haven’t had their morning coffee.

You should always keep an eye out for a solid dose of caffeine anhydrous when searching for a pre workout supplement.

4 Gauge ingredients and supplement facts

4 Gauge Pre Workout pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of 4 Gauge Pre Workout.

4 Gauge Benefits

4 Gauge works through the use of nitric oxide boosters, stimulants, and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). These nutrients all of have different functions, but they work together in a synergistic way to produce results.

The nitric oxide boosters dilate your blood vessels and improve your blood flow, which leads to a better pump and more oxygen in your muscles. Oxygen is the power source behind your lifts, which means that more oxygen means more power. Nitric oxide boosters are important because having more muscular power allows you to lift more weight and therefore build muscle at a faster rate.

Stimulants are key because they spike your energy levels, which ultimately contributes to better performance in the gym. Higher energy levels lead to better motivation and endurance. You become more into your workouts and are also able to workout for much longer periods of time with the use of stimulants. Every pre workout supplement should include at least one stimulant.

BCAAs are a vital part of any pre workout supplement because they have been clinically proven to promote growth and recovery. Using BCAAs before your workout helps increase the concentration of certain strength boosters in your muscles and puts your body in a better position to build muscle.

Here’s a summary of the 4 Gauge Pre Workout benefits:

  • Elevates nitric oxide levels
  • Spikes energy levels
  • Helps increase strength and endurance
  • Encourages muscle growth and speedy recovery
  • Promotes effective delivery of nutrients to the muscles

4 Gauge Side Effects

4 Gauge contains 100% natural ingredients, which means it is not likely to produce side effects. There’s nothing in the formula that we see as a red flag or anything that could cause severe side effects.

With that said, it does contain stimulants. If you are sensitive to caffeine or other stimulants, you might feel minor side effects such as headaches and anxiety.

4 Gauge Pre Workout complaints & praise (info from real 4 Gauge Pre Workout customer reviews)

Me holding 4 Gauge pre workoutCustomer reviews seem to be overwhelmingly positive across the internet, and my personal review is no different. As an avid weight lifter, I’ve tried a lot of different pre workout supplements, and 4 Gauge is one of my all time favorites.

I lift weights to gain muscle, and the key to gaining muscle mass is increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts, which is exactly what 4 Gauge does.

4 Gauge gets the job done primarily through the combination of huge dosages of Citrulline and Creatine. You can feel it almost instantly as it boosts your strength and energy. 4 Gauge reviews across the web are all positive…good sign.


Is 4 Gauge Pre Workout Worth It? Our Conclusion

We feel that this pre workout covered just about every area of effective pre-lift nutrition including nitric oxide, BCAAs, and creatine. Usually, you need to take multiple supplements to get all three of those, but this way, you get them all in one supplement, which makes things easier and ensures proper growth/recovery.

There’s a lot of good to say about 4 Gauge and not really any bad, which made it an excellent supplement for us to test with nothing to lose. Our personal results with it were excellent, which is why we highly recommend 4 Gauge…it certainly lives up to the hype.


4 Gauge Price

4 Gauge can be found for the lowest price by buying it directly from the manufacturer. If you purchase it from somewhere else, you might end up paying a higher price, so make sure you get it from the right website. We have provided a link below for your convenience. Here is how the various packages are priced…

1 Jar: $45.00

2 Jars: $90.00

4 Jars – Buy 3, Get 1 Free: $135 (Save $45 – Most Popular Option)

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).