The Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms: Are Mushrooms Good For You?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Green Drinks & Superfood Drinks

Medicinal MushroomsMushrooms, long celebrated for their culinary diversity, have also been revered for their potential therapeutic properties in traditional medicine systems for centuries. Today, medicinal mushrooms have gained recognition in modern health and wellness communities for their remarkable health benefits. From boosting the immune system to managing stress and supporting overall well-being, these fungi offer a vast spectrum of advantages that make them a valuable addition to your diet and health regimen.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the extraordinary health benefits of various kinds of medicinal mushrooms, supported by scientific research, and reveal why you should consider incorporating these fungi into your daily nutrition.

The World of Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms, a diverse group of fungi, have been used for their therapeutic properties in various cultures, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, and Native American traditions. These mushrooms are distinct from culinary mushrooms and are typically consumed in supplement form or as extracts. They are celebrated for their health-promoting compounds, including polysaccharides, beta-glucans, and a range of bioactive compounds.

The Key Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

Here are the primary benefits and reasons that medicinal mushrooms are good for you…

Immune System Support

One of the most well-known and researched benefits of medicinal mushrooms is their ability to enhance the immune system. The various kinds of medicinal mushrooms contain compounds that help stimulate and regulate immune responses, making them effective allies in bolstering your body’s defenses.

  • Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi is known for its immunomodulatory properties, helping to regulate and strengthen the immune system. It contains beta-glucans and polysaccharides that enhance immune function.
  • Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus): Chaga is rich in beta-glucans, which promote immune system health by activating immune cells, such as macrophages and natural killer cells.
  • Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor): Turkey Tail is particularly famous for its immune-boosting properties. It contains polysaccharides that enhance the activity of immune cells and help the body combat infections and diseases.

Adaptogenic Properties For Stress and Fatigue

Medicinal mushrooms are also known for their adaptogenic qualities, which help the body adapt to and manage stress. These fungi can be particularly useful in our modern, fast-paced lives where stress and fatigue are common.

  • Cordyceps Mushroom (Cordyceps sinensis): Cordyceps are considered adaptogens, helping the body manage stress and increase energy levels. They improve oxygen utilization, making them popular among athletes.
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus): Lion’s Mane has been shown to have neuroprotective and anti-fatigue effects. It helps combat mental fatigue and supports cognitive function.


Medicinal mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, which combat oxidative stress and protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. These compounds play a crucial role in preventing chronic diseases and promoting overall health.

  • Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa): Maitake contains antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. This may have a protective effect against chronic diseases.
  • Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinula edodes): Shiitake mushrooms are known for their high content of ergothioneine, an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and supports overall health.

Lowering Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Maintaining cardiovascular health is essential for overall well-being. Some medicinal mushrooms offer benefits for heart health by helping to manage cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure.

  • Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinula edodes): Shiitake mushrooms contain compounds that have been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa): Maitake has been studied for its potential to lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

Reducing Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a common factor in many chronic diseases, from arthritis to cancer. Medicinal mushrooms, with their anti-inflammatory properties, have shown promise in mitigating inflammation throughout the body.

  • Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor): Turkey Tail contains polysaccharides that have anti-inflammatory effects, making it a potential option for reducing inflammation associated with chronic diseases.
  • Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi’s anti-inflammatory compounds can help alleviate inflammation and may offer relief from conditions like arthritis.

Supporting Brain Health

Several medicinal mushrooms have demonstrated the potential to support cognitive function and overall brain health.

  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus): Lion’s Mane is known for its neuroprotective properties and its potential to support cognitive function. It may help enhance memory and learning.
  • Cordyceps Mushroom (Cordyceps sinensis): Cordyceps has been studied for its potential to improve brain function and cognition, making it valuable for maintaining mental clarity.

Blood Sugar Regulation

For individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition, certain medicinal mushrooms may help regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi has shown potential in improving insulin sensitivity and managing blood sugar levels.
  • Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa): Maitake may help regulate blood sugar levels by improving insulin function.

Liver Health: Detoxification and Protection

The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body. Certain medicinal mushrooms have been found to support liver health by aiding in detoxification and protecting liver cells.

  • Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi is known for its liver-protective properties and its potential to aid in detoxification.
  • Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa): Maitake may help improve liver function and support detoxification processes.

How To Use Medicinal Mushrooms

Now that you’re aware of the extensive health benefits of medicinal mushrooms, you may be wondering how to incorporate them into your daily meals. Here are some creative and delicious ways to do just that:

  • Supplements: Medicinal mushroom supplements are available in various forms, such as capsules, powders, and tinctures. These can be a convenient way to incorporate mushrooms into your diet.
  • Teas: Some medicinal mushrooms can be enjoyed in the form of teas or infusions. Simply steep dried mushrooms in hot water for a soothing and health-promoting beverage.
  • Culinary Creations: Incorporate certain medicinal mushrooms like shiitake or maitake into your meals, such as stir-fries, soups, and sauces. They add depth of flavor and nutrition to your dishes.
  • Broths: Create mushroom broths by simmering dried medicinal mushrooms with other herbs and spices. These broths can serve as a flavorful and nutritious base for various dishes.
  • Tinctures: Medicinal mushroom tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts that can be added to beverages or taken sublingually for easy consumption.

Potential Side Effects of Medicinal Mushrooms

While medicinal mushrooms offer numerous health benefits, it’s essential to consider individual sensitivities and potential interactions with medications or existing health conditions. It’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional or herbalist before incorporating medicinal mushrooms into your health regimen, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or have underlying health concerns.

Do Medicinal Mushrooms Work? Our Final Conclusion

Medicinal mushrooms, with their diverse array of health benefits, represent a treasure trove of natural healing. From enhancing immune function and managing stress to combating inflammation, supporting heart health, and promoting overall well-being, these fungi offer a wealth of advantages.

By incorporating various medicinal mushrooms into your daily nutrition, you can harness the natural goodness they provide. Medicinal mushrooms are versatile and adaptable, making them a valuable addition to your diet and health regimen. So, embrace the healing power of these remarkable fungi and let them contribute to your journey to better health and vitality.


  1. UCLA Health
  2. Harvard
  3. WebMD
  4. Medicinal Mushrooms: Bioactive Compounds, Use, and Clinical Trials
  5. Edible Mushrooms: Improving Human Health and Promoting Quality Life
  6. Fungal Mushrooms: A Natural Compound With Therapeutic Applications
Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).