Organifi Green Juice Review: Is This Greens Powder Legit?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Green Drinks & Superfood Drinks

Organifi green juice drink next to the jarOrganifi Green Juice is a superfood powder that is becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that it was created by somebody with a big reputation in the health industry: the CEO of Fitlife.TV. This comprehensive Organifi Green Juice review will examine the nutrition panel and determine whether or not the product deserves all of the attention it has been getting.

The biggest problem with Organifi Green Juice is that the overall potency is simply too low, and that makes it difficult for this supplement to compete with the higher end greens powders. Keep reading this Organifi review to learn whether or not it’s worth the price tag!

If you want to discover some of the best greens powders on the market, you can take a look at our list of the top 12 here: BEST GREENS SUPPLEMENTS

Organifi Green Juice review: Is Organifi any good?

Organifi Green Juice is one of the most average greens powders in the market. In our opinion, it is wildly over-hyped and pretty severely lacks potency. Taking a look at the superfood blend specifically, which is the most important part of the formula, you’re only getting 6,500 MG of superfoods per serving.

There are many areas in which it falls short compared to our #1 ranked Total Living Drink Greens, but the most important reason is it only contains 6,500 MG of superfoods per serving compared to the 15,000 MG per serving Total Living Drink Greens delivers. That makes the Total Living Drink over twice as potent as Organifi.

If you do the math, that makes our top ranked option over 200% more potent than Organifi Green Juice, which is the main reason we don’t recommend this product. To put it further into perspective, I actually took a photo of one dosage of each product right next to each other so that you can see for yourself how big the difference is between the two…see below! You can learn more about our top recommendation here: Total Living Drink Review.

Organifi green juice dosage next to a Total Living Drink dosage

My Personal Experience Taking Organifi Green Juice

As a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, my reviews are primarily based on my professional analysis of the supplement facts panel. With that being said, many of my clients want to hear about my personal experiences taking certain products, so I’m more than happy to test them out. I bought a 30 day supply of Organifi (I went with the crisp apple flavor specifically), and here were my results…

The first thing I noticed when taking Organifi is that the taste is rather bad, which is common with green juices, but it was particularly bad in this case. However, as a green drink veteran, I knew what to do. I just mixed it in with orange juice instead of water because orange juice is great as masking the greens taste. That helped a lot, and I was able to drink Organifi much more easily as a result. Another way to fix the taste issue is with lemon juice. I personally don’t like lemon juice, but it’s strong enough to mask the taste, so many people like to mix green powder with lemonade.

In terms of health benefits, I took Organifi for two weeks, and I really didn’t notice anything at all. At least I can say that I didn’t experience any side effects, but I also didn’t experience any noteworthy benefits. I suppose I felt more hydrated and a bit more energized, but that’s to be expected with any greens powder. What I was hoping for was more benefits with regard to gut health and digestive health, which I did not get.

Bottom Line: Overall, my personal results using Organifi were not very good. Based on the combination of my negative results and my analysis of the formula, I would not recommend this green drink to any of my clients or readers.

What does Organifi Green Juice do?

What does Organifi Green Juice do for you? Organifi is designed to help detoxify your body and provide you with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and other superfoods to optimize your overall health. In my opinion, it is much better than eating fruits and vegetables on their own, but there are multiple greens powders I would recommend over Organfi specifically.

With all of the phyotnutrients you get in every serving, you should be able to experience solid benefits including improved energy, digestion, and detoxification. The ultimate goal of the supplement is to optimize your gut health, boost immunity, and give you a daily energy boost as well. These types of benefits can be expected from higher end green juice powders, but not Organifi in my opinion as a Certified Nutrition Coach.

Another purpose green juices in general can serve is to replace your daily vegetables requirement. As long as you are taking a solid greens supplement, you don’t have to worry about getting your greens and veggies elsewhere, which is very convenient. However, if your daily green juice is not potent enough, it will not accomplish the goal of fully replacing fruits and vegetables. That’s why you have to be very picky when it comes to greens powders and dietary supplements in general.

Organifi Green Juice ingredients list

Here are the primary ingredients in the Organifi formula (which according to the website is 100% certified USDA organic by the way)…

Organifi green juice ingredients list and supplement facts

Superfoods Blend

The ingredients included in the superfood blend are among some of the most potent and high quality superfoods available. The primary ingredient in the blend is coconut water powder. Coconut water is essentially a much healthier and more powerful version of Gatorade. It rehydrates you and replenishes your electrolyte stores. It also contains healthy carbs that are a great natural source of energy.

In addition to coconut water, the superfood blend contains some very unique ingredients such as organic red beet, organic tumeric, green algae, and ashwaghanda root powder. All of these ingredients have volumes of evidence for their abilities to improve overall health and more specifically, gastrointestinal function and gut health.

Every ingredient from the superfood formula has been shown to improve overall bodily function, but one specific ingredient is targeted more at brain function than gastrointestinal health.

Ashwaghanda root powder is actually an ingredient that you will find in a lot of “mental health supplements” due to its ability to improve brain function and reduce stress levels.

Most green juice powders focus on general health and don’t usually contain ingredients that are specifically aimed at reducing stress and improving brain function, so ashwaghanda root gives Organifi an upper hand on some of its competitors.

Alkaline Greens Blend

Each serving contains 5 grams worth of a pretty powerful blend consisting of organic horseradish tree, organic wheatgrass juice, chorella, spirulina, and matcha green tea leaf. The benefits of these very unique green juice powder ingredients are endless. Some of the most important benefits that the alkaline greens blend is going to produce for you would be mood enhancement, detoxification, and a metabolism boost.

The mood enhancement benefits are going to help with brain function as well as overall daily function due to the effect the superfoods have on your body’s ability to produce and deliver the necessary hormones that lead to mood improvement.

Detoxification is important with any superfood supplement because if you are trying to get healthy and stay healthy, you want to be sure that you detoxify your body of any harmful bacteria that it may have accumulated as a result of your less-than-healthy habits. Therein lies the importance of the antioxidant component of a superfood formula. The remaining ingredients can not properly do their jobs unless your system has been properly detoxified and can thereby be restored to optimal health.

The metabolism boost is going to kick your body into overdrive in terms of cleansing it and getting rid of any unwanted fat that your body may have accumulated in recent years. Boosting your metabolism makes your body more inclined to burn fat and retain muscle.

Additionally, it naturally increases your energy levels and keeps you active and fit. The benefits of speeding up your metabolism are endless, which is part of what makes Organifi Green Juice one of the better green juice powders I have reviewed. With that being said, There are quite a few greens powders that are significantly more potent than Organifi, which is why I still do not recommend it.

Organifi Green Juice Dosage

One Organifi Green Juice powder dosage contains about 7 grams of total nutrition per serving. The bag comes with a scooper already in it, so this product is very easy to take. You just mix in one scoop of the greens with one cup of water or your favorite juice. I would personally recommend orange juice just because the taste of it is strong enough to mask the taste of the greens themselves, which generally do not taste very good.

Many people online have said that the best Organifi flavor is the mint flavor. I read through a lot of the customer reviews on Amazon, and people said that Organifi mint flavor actually tastes pretty good when mixed in with almond milk specifically. One user described it as a “minty green smoothie.” That sounds gross to me, but to each his own I suppose.

Additionally, I took a photo of one dosage of Organifi, and here’s what it looks like…

Organifi Green Juice dosage

Organifi Green Juice pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of Organifi.

Organifi benefits

Users can experience numerous health benefits when supplementing with the a high end greens powder supplement, but Is Organifi potent enough to get the job done? These health benefits may not be as significant as they would be if you were to utilize one of the top shelf greens powders on the market as opposed to this mid-tier product, but you should get some benefits regardless.

Some of the benefits that you could experience from Organifi Green Juice include increased energy levels (FYI: I personally did notice that Organifi was able to boost energy levels for me when I was taking it), higher metabolism, detoxification, improved gastrointestinal function, lower cortisol levels, enhanced gut health, brain health, liver health, and more. Ultimately one of the most important benefits of this supplement is that you don’t have to worry about getting enough fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. You get enough already from each serving.

Organifi side effects

It’s pretty rare for people to experience side effects when supplementing with Organifi. After all, it’s not like you’re introducing your body to foreign ingredients. The formula just contains vegetables and other superfoods that your body should be able to already recognize. There isn’t anything harmful in the formula that we believe would cause side effects.

With that said, some people can experience side effects like stomach aches or diarrhea, which usually just means your body is detoxifying and is likely not used to such healthy nutrients. This isn’t very common, but it’s possible if you’re new to consuming fresh juice and more specifically, highly potent fresh juice.

Organifi complaints & praise (info from real Organifi Green Juice reviews)

We were able to find a total of nearly 4,000 Organifi Green Juice reviews on Amazon. Amazon only lets verified buyers submit product reviews, so you can be sure these are genuine customer reviews. That’s why we like to check Amazon before posting our own review.

Anyways, we found that Organifi received an average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars on Amazon across almost 4,000 total reviews, which is pretty impressive. About 65% of people rated it 5 stars, which is another encouraging statistic.

On the other side of things, about 25% of customers rated it between 1-3 stars, which is pretty discouraging. That’s a lot of negative feedback if you think about it. 25% of 4,000 is about 750 people who were disappointed with the product. More people were satisfied than disappointed, but it’s still important to consider the negative reviews.

Me holding the organifi green juice jar

Is Organifi worth it? My Conclusion

Overall, Organifi Green Juice powder is ranked as one of the top 10 best greens powders on the market, but there’s a reason why it doesn’t crack the top 5. It has some important weaknesses, and the area of focus (superfoods) is impressive, but it simply pales in comparison to our top ranked superfood drinks.

If you are serious about improving your health and don’t want to mess around with average supplements, I would recommend avoiding Organifi Green Juice. It’s not a bad green drink by any means, but it is certainly not one of the absolute best…

Our #1 ranked green drink contains 9,000 more superfoods per serving than Organifi Green Juice, which is the main reason we can not feel comfortable recommending this product. Click the link below to learn more about our top rated greens powder…


Organifi Green Juice FAQs

Are there any Organifi Green Juice coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

Unfortunately, there are currently no Organifi Green Juice coupon codes available. We checked their website and could not find any discount vouchers. With that said, our top ranked greens powder has a discount running for 10% off at the moment, so make sure to check that out! You can find the discount code within the review.

Is Organifi Green Juice safe?

Yes, Organifi Green Juice can generally be considered safe for most people since the product only contains vegetable and superfood extracts. Additionally, it is certified USDA organic, and I highly doubt they would grant the product that certification if they thought it was not safe. However, always ask your doctor this question before starting any new supplement.

Does Organifi green juice help you lose weight?

It’s possible that Organifi Green Juice could help you lose weight, although that’s certainly not the main purpose of the supplement, and I wouldn’t count on it. Generally, you would want a greens supplement with a higher protein content if your goal is weight loss. I will explain why that is in the next FAQ. Again, I’m just a nutrition coach, You should always ask your primary care physician these questions.

Is Organifi green juice a meal replacement?

No, Organifi Green Juice does not contain protein powder or anything that would help you feel full, so it’s not going to be an effective meal replacement. Our top ranked greens powder provides 11 grams of vegan protein, which makes it a good meal replacement supplement. That’s why quality is so important when it comes to greens powders!

Where to buy Organifi Green Juice at the best price

First of all, how much does Organifi Green Juice cost? Let’s take a look at where to buy Organifi Green Juice & get the cheapest deal on prices:



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  1. Organifi Green Juice Reviews on Amazon
  2. Reviews From the Organifi Shop Website
  3. Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications
  4. Beetroot as a functional food with huge health benefits: Antioxidant, antitumor, physical function, and chronic metabolomics activity
  5. Nutritional Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) Unwrap by Proteome Profiling and DPPH and FRAP assays
Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).