Green Vibrance vs Amazing Grass Comparison: Which Is Best?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Green Drinks & Superfood Drinks

Two of the most popular greens powders on the market are Green Vibrance and Amazing Grass. These two have been competing against each other for quite some time, and everyone wants to know: which one is better?

In this comprehensive Green Vibrance vs Amazing Grass comparison article, we are going to directly compare the supplement facts panels, nutrition facts, price, and more to determine which one is better.

What is the difference between Green Vibrance and Amazing Grass?

The difference between Amazing Grass and Green Vibrance really comes down to potency. The primary consideration you want to take into account when searching for a superfood powder is how many superfoods per serving you are getting.

Obviously, you want to be getting your money’s worth, and what that really comes down to is are you getting enough greens, fruits, etc. per serving for the product to be worth the cost. The truth in this case is that neither Amazing Greens or Green Vibrance are potent enough to be worth it.

Green Vibrance has a little bit more superfoods per serving in it, but still not enough for it to be considered a top shelf supplement. I personally do not recommend either of these products. To discover two greens supplements that are both better and cheaper, click here: BEST GREEN DRINK POWDERS.

Green Vibrance vs Amazing Grass comparison


Green Vibrance

Amazing Grass


Superfoods Per Serving

9,600 milligrams

7,000 milligrams

Green Vibrance




Amazing Grass




Amazing Grass


25 billion CFU

Undisclosed amount

Green Vibrance


2 grams

2 grams


Digestive Enzymes

10 milligrams

426 milligrams

Amazing Grass

Overall Winner

Rating: 3.9/5

Rating: 3.7/5

Green Vibrance

1. Green Vibrance vs Amazing Grass pricing

Green Vibrance is more expensive than Amazing Grass, but for a pretty good reason. It provides significantly more superfoods per serving than Amazing Grass does, which as I said before, is the most important factor to take into account.

With that said, both of these products are actually pretty overpriced when you consider what you’re getting in every serving. You can get 50% more superfoods per serving by choosing a superior greens supplement, and the pricing is about the same. There’s not a lot of value with either of these green drinks.

2. Green Vibrance or Amazing Grass for flavor?

The flavor of Amazing Grass is a little better than that of Green Vibrance because it contains added flavors that mask the taste of the greens. In case you didn’t know, green powders tend to not taste very good, so added flavor is often necessary.

Amazing Grass tastes better due to the added flavors, but be aware that neither of these taste very good. In general, it’s best to mix green powder in with juice or a smoothie to mask the taste of the powder.

3. Probiotics

Green Vibrance is the winner with regard to probiotics because the formula is very transparent. We know for a fact that it contains 25 billion CFU per serving, which is a solid amount of probiotics.

On the other hand, Amazing Grass does not disclose exactly how many probiotics it contains because the amount is hidden within a proprietary blend. For that reason, we have to give Green Vibrance the edge by default here.

4. SFPS (Superfoods Per Serving)

Green Vibrance provides 9,600 milligrams per serving while Amazing Grass only provides 7,000 milligrams per serving. Neither of these numbers are very impressive to be honest, but 9,600 MG is obviously more impressive than 7,000 MG…therefore, Green Vibrance gets the nod here.

5. Digestive Enzymes

This is really the only aspect of the formula where Amazing Grass blows Green Vibrance out of the water with 426 milligrams per serving compared to 10 milligrams per serving, respectively. Digestive enzymes are very important because they help ensure your body properly absorbs the superfoods and other nutrients.

6. Protein

Both supplements contain an abysmal amount of protein at only 2 grams per serving. To put this into perspective, our top ranked green drink contains 11 grams of 100% vegan protein in every serving. So, hopefully that illustrates how weak the protein content is in both Amazing Grass and Green Vibrance.

Amazing Grass vs Green Vibrance ingredients comparison

In this section, we’re going to talk about some of the key ingredients these supplements contain. We’ll discuss ingredients they have in common, as well as important differences in these two formulas. Let’s dig in…

Common Ingredients


Spirulina is one of the most powerful superfoods on the market. It functions as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplement, with many people reporting reduced cholesterol after using it for an extended period of time.

Green Vibrance contains 600 milligrams of it per serving, which is an underwhelming dosage to say the least. This dosage is not enough to produce significant benefits in my opinion. Worse yet, Amazing Grass doesn’t even disclose their Spirulina dosage amount.

Wheat Grass

It’s no secret that Wheat Grass has a ton of powerful benefits to offer. In fact, many smoothie shops offer Wheat Grass shots because of how powerful it is. It contains antioxidants that help with digestion, can eliminate toxins, and help reduce cholesterol.

Green Vibrance contains 700 milligrams of Wheat Grass per serving, which is a pretty solid dosage. On the other hand, Amazing Grass yet again leaves the dosage undisclosed, so we have to give the upper hand to Green Vibrance here.

Barley Grass

Barley Grass is quickly becoming as popular as Wheat Grass due to its ability to produce very similar benefits. It has detoxifying properties, improves digestion, and can help boost your immune system when consumed regularly.

Green Vibrance provides 400 milligrams per serving, which is a pretty below average dosage. Amazing Grass yet again does not disclose their dosage of this ingredient. So you can really start to see the lack of transparency being a problem with Amazing Grass here.

Ingredients exclusive to Green Vibrance

Oat Grass

Oat Grass is one of the most underrated grasses of the superfood kingdom. Oat Grass is very detoxifying because it is super rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Green Vibrance provides 400 milligrams per serving, which is a pretty average dosage, but at least they included it in the formula!


Turmeric is a natural herb that has been used for centuries for various reasons. It’s most well known for its ability to improve digestion and gastrointestinal health, but studies have shown it can produce plenty of other benefits. Green Vibrance contains 150 milligrams per serving, which is a pretty low dosage.

Ingredients exclusive to Amazing Grass


Without a doubt, the most important ingredient exclusive to Amazing Grass is Chlorella. Chlorella is widely regarded as one of the most potent superfoods in existence. It’s on par with Spirulina in terms of potential benefits. However, Amazing Grass doesn’t disclose the dosage, so we don’t know if there’s enough of it in here.

Acai Berry

Acai berry contains a high amount of healthy fats and fiber, which can in turn improve your gastrointestinal health and digestion. It’s not necessarily the most powerful superfood, but it certainly is a solid ingredient. However, the dosage of it in Amazing Grass is again undisclosed.

Which is better, Amazing Grass or Green Vibrance? Our conclusion

Overall, Green Vibrance is probably the better supplement just based on the fact that it provides a wider range of superfoods and a more transparent formula. However, Amazing Grass may be the better choice for those who understand how powerful Chlorella can be.

At the end of the day, we actually do NOT recommend either of these supplements because neither of them can compete with the top dogs in the space. They both lack potency and are missing key ingredients. To learn more, be sure to read our full Green Vibrance review and our full Amazing Grass review.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).