CytoGainer Review: Is This Mass Gainer Any Good?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Mass & Weight Gainers

CytoGainer ReviewCytoGainer is ranked highly for many reasons, but possibly the most important is its carb to protein ratio. Cytosport really did it right this time around. In fact, if R1 Gain didn’t come along, this is a product I would consider taking. The following CytoGainer review will explain why it ultimately did NOT make it onto our list of the top 5 Best Mass Gainers.

CytoSport doesn’t have the best history as far as we’re concerned. In fact, this is the first product they have come out with that has really impressed us. With that said, this is a VERY impressive product. They really stepped up their game with this product, and we’ll tell you how.

CytoGainer Ingredients

First, let’s talk about the carb to protein ratio (this is very important to consider when searching for a mass gainer). There are 75 carbs and 54 grams of protein in every serving, making the ratio about 1.4 to 1. This is an excellent ratio. It is not perfect but close enough. This ratio can allow for the user to gain lean muscle mass.

It is very important to buy a product that can allow you to not only gain muscle but gain LEAN muscle, and this supplement gives you a great shot at doing that.

In addition, it only has 570 calories per serving, which is only 20 calories more than the #1 ranked mass gainer –R1 Gain. Though it seems high, 570 is a low number compared to many of the competitors.

You obviously want there to be more calories than your average protein powder, but too many calories can cause you to gain fat. Each serving only contains 6 grams of fat – only one more gram than R1 Gain. However, it does contain 7 grams of sugar per serving, which is slightly high compared to R1’s 3 grams.

Cholesterol is only at 140 mg per serving, which is pretty low generally speaking. Comparatively to R1 Gain, it is rather high (R1 Gain is 75 mg per serving), but generally, this is pretty good.

In addition, they used whey protein concentrate and whey protein hydrolysate instead of whey protein isolate (the purest form of protein). That is what unfortunately knocked the ranking down a little further.

CytoGainer Ingredients Supplement Facts

CytoGainer Effectiveness

As far as lean muscle mass goes, this product can very likely help you out. I can personally speak to its level of effectiveness, as well as judge it simply based off of the nutrition label.

I took this product for quite some time before discovering R1 Gain, and it worked very well for me. I began to see lean gains in a matter of weeks, and was pretty happy with how little fat it was causing me to gain.

As far as the nutrition label goes, you should have a pretty good idea at this point in the review of how healthy this product is. That is why I originally decided to start taking this product. After reading some other reviews, nobody seems to have any issues with this product. Overall, it has very good reviews.


With 370mg of sodium per serving, this product tastes pretty awesome. I would recommend the chocolate flavor. The texture was very smooth, and the flavor very strong. I still take this product from time to time when I run out of R1 Gain. I have had the same jar for a long time as my backup jar just in case I have to go a couple days without the other. No complaints whatsoever as far as taste goes.

The Pros

  • Carb to protein ratio is near perfect
  • Very low calorie count
  • Fairly low sodium and cholesterol
  • Only 6 grams of fat per serving
  • Tastes amazing

The Cons

  • Would of liked to see whey protein isolate instead of concentrate

Is CytoGainer worth it? Our conclusion

Overall CytoGainer is an excellent product. I was pretty impressed with this mass gainer, especially coming from Cytosport. They did a great job with this product, BUT I would still highly recommend you take a look at our #1 ranked mass gainer before choosing CytoGainer.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).