V Shred Review 2023 (Is V Shred Really Legit?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

V Shred logoV Shred was originally a fitness company that offered programs for fat loss and muscle building, but then they came out with a line of supplements…naturally, we felt compelled to review them. For the purposes of this review, we’re not going to cover their fitness programs.

The V Shred supplement line is called Sculpt Nation and includes a fat burner, a testosterone booster, an HGH booster, creatine, pre workout, protein powder, and more. In this comprehensive V Shred review, we’re going to talk about their two most popular supplements: Burn and Test Boost.

That’s their fat burner and testosterone booster, respectively. Before we get too far into the review, I do want to point out the fact that none of the V Shred supplements made it into the top of our rankings.

If you want to see some supplements that we ranked higher than V Shred’s most popular supplement (their fat burner), check out the link below…

Top Natural Fat Burners

V Shred Testosterone Booster

Despite the fact that V Shred’s Testo Boost didn’t quite crack our top 10 ranked testosterone boosters, I have to say this formula is fairly impressive compared to the average testosterone booster. It doesn’t use a proprietary blend, which is respectable, and the ingredient panel is pretty solid. Let’s have a look…

Ashwagandha Root Extract is an ingredient that I’m seeing used more and more often in testosterone boosters nowadays as more research continues to support the idea that it may produce benefits with regard to natural testosterone production. It’s certainly a promising up and coming nutrient, and I love the dosage size here at 600 MG per serving.

Tribulus Terrestris Is perhaps the most popular nutrient in all of testosterone boosting. Many clinical studies have shown it to not only potentially play a role in increased testosterone production but also potentially enhance exercise performance. With a 500 MG dosage here, you should be able to reap some of the benefits.

Ginseng is a natural ingredient that has been used for ages to help naturally boost libido, and many users and researchers have reported that it can be effective in doing so. The problem here is that it’s only dosed at 20 MG per serving, which is far too low in my opinion.

If you want to see several supplements that are much better than this one, click here: Top Testosterone Boosters Comparison.

V Shred Fat Burner

V Shred’s Burn is slightly less impressive than their testosterone booster due to the lack of ingredient diversity and low overall potency. Many of these dosages should be much higher in my opinion, but the ingredients themselves are certainly quality. Let’s have a look…

Green Tea Leaf Extract is very commonly used amongst natural fat burners as it is widely believed to help boost metabolism and natural fat burning abilities. This ingredient is of the highest quality in my view, and I do respect the dosage size here at 300 MG per serving as well.

Cayenne Fruit Extract is a well known thermogenic ingredient, which means it has the potential to help induce the process of thermogenesis within the body. Long story short, thermogenesis helps the body burn more calories, so thermogenic ingredients are always a great addition to a fat burner formula…there’s a solid dosage here too at 100 MG per serving.

Everything looks good so far, right? This is the point in the formula where things start to fall off…the rest of the dosages are very weak and a couple of the ingredients are not as reputable as the rest. Some of the dosages are as low as 6 MG and even 3 MG, which in my opinion is too low for the user to experience any benefits.

V Shred Reviews From Real Users

Unfortunately, the V Shred website does not provide verified customer reviews, so there’s not a lot to write about here. My primary source for verified customer reviews is typically Amazon, but they don’t sell their supplements on Amazon, so I wasn’t able to find any V Shred reviews there either.

Again, this is typically the section where I would analyze data derived from V Shred reviews submitted by users, but since there’s no user reviews anywhere, we’ll unfortunately have to cut this section short.

The Pros

  • V Shred supplements use very high quality ingredients
  • Some of their dosages are significant
  • Both of the above reviewed supplements are pretty inexpensive

The Cons

  • Overall potency is comparatively pretty low with regard to both supplements
  • Most of the ingredients are under-dosed in my opinion
  • There are no V Shred reviews to draw data from
  • Both supplements are missing several key ingredients

V Shred Conclusion

V Shred makes a few relatively solid supplements for a pretty low cost, but the bottom line here is that you would be much better off spending a few extra bucks on supplements that are of higher quality. When it comes to supplements, the cheap options are almost always a bad idea.

Based on the low dosages and lack of potency, I don’t feel comfortable recommending V Shred supplements. With that being said, there are plenty of super high quality supplements that I strongly recommend, and you can find them on the Fat Burners category page.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).