Thermodyne Review: Is This Fat Burner Really Legit?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

Thermodyne fat burner supplementLooking for supplements to help you lose weight can be an extremely difficult process with how heavily saturated the market is. We’re here because we did the looking for you and would love to show you what can help you lose weight the most efficiently. Thermodyne is a fat burner gaining popularity, which is why we chose to review it and explain to you why we do NOT recommend it, and why you won’t find it on our list of the Top 10 Best Fat Burners.

Benefits of Thermodyne

Here are the main benefits of Thermodyne:

  • Helps safely lose weight
  • Suppresses hunger
  • Controls cravings
  • Boosts energy

What is Thermodyne?

Most people who are the least bit health conscious are concerned about their weight and appearance in some way shape and form. With every news avenue everywhere scaring us with the thought of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, it becomes hard not to think of our own mortality, and what we can do to take some form of control over it.

It’s important to remember that no one thinks losing weight is easy, and looking for a way to speed up the process is extremely common. Fat burners help expedite the process by catalyzing your current efforts and speeding up your metabolism.

For those of you who are still in the early stages of your excess fat, losing it as soon as possible is key to keeping things nice and simple. Fat gets harder to lose the more you gain, so getting a catalyst in the early stages can save you an incredible amount of time and effort.

Thermodyne is a fat burner that could help you achieve your weight loss goals; at exactly the right time you need to achieve them.

How Does Thermodyne Work?

Most of the fat burners on the market today work by trying to help your body increase the amount of work its doing at rest. In other words it is trying to boost your metabolism, so you can always be burning more calories.

Thermodyne tries to suppress your hunger, keep your appetite in check, and have your body constantly burning calories to help you lose weight quicker. The faster you lose weight, the faster you can feel proud about how your body looks.

Thermodyne Ingredients

The primary ingredients of Thermodyne are as follows:

  • CLA
  • Citrus Sinensis
  • Citrus Paradisi
  • Citrus Macracantha
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Coffee Bean
  • Theobroma Cacao
  • Sterculia Acuminata Extract

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

This ingredient helps burn fat and produce healthier muscles. It is ideal for consumers who seek both of these effects, but may be less beneficial for those seeking only weight loss.

Citrus Sinensis Osbeck Extract

This ingredient is shown to help reduce the accumulation of fat throughout the body. It is extracted from the navel orange, a common household food.

Citrus Paradisi Extract

Grapefruit, as it is more commonly known, is popular and a great source of antioxidants, while also helping facilitate weight loss.

Citrus Macracantha

A similar ingredient to chemicals in the navel orange, this ingredient likely helps increase fat burn, and eliminate free radicals in the body.

Tribulus Terrestris Extract

This ingredient can help reduce urinary-related stresses and kidney problems. It may even help reduce kidney stones. It may, unfortunately, be linked to increased prostate stress in patients with prostate cancer.

Coffee Arabica Bean Extract

The most common use of coffee beans are for their stimulant effect. This can help assist fat burning, leading to much more effective weight loss.

Paullinia Sorbilis Extract

Also known as Guarana, this popular ingredient is similar to coffee in that it is rich in caffeine, which will helps the consumer burn weight faster.

Sterculia Acuminata Extract

This natural herb is rich in caffeine, and also has beneficial thermogenic effects on the body. It helps maintain healthy body function while the consumer loses weight. As a naturally occurring plant substance, it poses lower health risk than other, chemical agents.

Theobroma Cacao Extract

The cocoa bean, as it is best known, helps reduce the accumulation of fatty tissue in consumers, which helps the consumers stay slim after having lost weight. Unfortunately, more tests need to be run before scientists can fully conclude its effects.

Pros of Thermodyne

  • Suppresses your hunger
  • Energizes your body
  • Can help boost metabolism

Cons of Thermodyne

  • Not many user reviews
  • Dosages are low
  • Formula is weak compared to elite fat burners
  • Lacks potency

Thermodyne Conclusion

Overall, Thermodyne is a fat burner supplement that attempts to help catalyze the weight loss product for anyone with goals of a healthier lifestyle. Due to its lack of intense customer support and lack of specific ingredients we like, we would rather recommend products off of our list of the Top 10 Best Fat Burners to ensure that you end up choosing something we are confident is effective.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).