Leanfire XT Review 2023 (Is This Fat Burner Worth The Price?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

Leanfire XT Review

Leanfire XT is potentially the single most popular fat burner on the scene right now…but does it deserve all the attention it’s getting? We’ll discuss that and a whole lot more in this Leanfire XT review.

Just to put things into perspective for a moment, this is a fat burner that costs $69.99, which is about $20 more than your average fat burner…that means you must be getting a whole lot more bang for your buck right?

Well, the fact is, you get 721 milligrams worth of fat burning nutrients in every serving, and our #1 ranked fat burner gives you over 2,000 milligrams in every serving…that makes it over 200% MORE potent, and it’s actually less expensive.

So, you do the math…with that fat burner, you get almost three times the nutrients per serving, and you’re spending less money.

Read on to learn more about why Leanfire XT failed to earn a ranking spot on our elite list of the top 10 best Fat Burner Products.

Leanfire XT review 2022: Is Leanfire XT any good?

Leanfire XT only has an overall potency of 721 milligrams per serving, so no, it’s not good. To put that into perspective, the average high quality fat burner provides about 1,500-2,000 MG per serving. Leanfire XT is not good because it severely lacks potency and uses a proprietary blend.

What does Leanfire XT do?

What does Leanfire XT do for you? It’s designed to help you burn fat and increase calorie expenditure, but the simple fact is that it’s not strong enough to get the job done. It can probably boost your energy levels and provide minor appetite suppressing benefits, but that’s about all it can do.

Leanfire XT Benefits

Here are the primary benefits of Leanfire XT:

  • Boosts metabolism
  • Slims figure
  • Curbs appetite
  • Provides energy

Does Leanfire XT Work & What Is It?

Fat burners have been a large part of the supplement world for a while now. Everyone who has a problem with their weight, which is a lot of people, often look for easier solutions, or catalysts to their current efforts.

With obesity being such a huge problem in America, it makes sense that people want to find a quicker way to lose fat as soon as they see it. Gaining excess body fat can cause many problems, including increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. These are two very large killers in our country, that can be avoided by changing behavior.

Since most people find difficulty in changing their behavior, fat burners have become a popular alternative and supplement to their current routines.

Leanfire XT is a supplement that utilizes techniques and strategies that aim to boost your metabolism and help you feel full. It works to try to keep you from eating, while also helping you burn more calories.

Fat burners work by trying to increase your resting rate of burning calories. This is also known as your metabolism. The more work your body does, the harder your metabolism works to get the energy it needs. The less work your body does, the more likely your body will convert excess energy into fat.

Leanfire XT tries to increase the speed of your metabolism, so that you are burning more calories for the amount of work you are doing. This will help you lose weight in a healthy, quick way that will give you an edge in losing weight.

Leanfire XT ingredients list

Here are the primary Leanfire XT ingredients:

  • Green Tea Leaf
  • L-Carnitine
  • Bioperine
  • L-Theaine
  • Caffeine
  • Theacrine
  • DMAE
  • Bitter Orange
  • Yohimbine

Leanfire XT is a combination of three proprietary blends. If you have read my reviews before, you know I can’t stand proprietary blends, and that’s because the individual dosage sizes of each ingredient are hidden. The use of a proprietary blend allows the manufacturer to leave dosage sizes undisclosed…all we know is that the total nutrients per serving is 721 MG, which is very low compared to other elite fat burners.

Regardless, here are the three different blends and various ingredients they each contain…

Fat Incineration Blend

Green Tea Leaf

Green Tea Leaf Extract ECGCs are present which boost the metabolism so your body burns more calories destroying potential fat. Green tea is one of the most powerful natural fat burning ingredients available.


This amino acid converts long chain fatty acids to energy. It is believed to help users burn fat faster as a result. Studies support this theory.

Cayenne Pepper Fruit Extract

Increases body heat and metabolism.


Black pepper extract which increases the uptake of the rest of the formula.

Metabolic Mind Matrix


L-Theanine counteracts the negative effects of caffeine and other stimulants without negating their value. Caffeine often causes headaches and jitters, which is why Theanine is here to even it out and prevent those side effects.


Caffeine is the most widely used ingredient in fat burning and weight loss supplements due to its energy boosting benefits. It also suppresses appetite, which is key when it comes to weight loss. You need to decrease calorie intake when trying to burn fat.


Similar to caffeine, it is found in tea and coffee and used to boost attention.

Pure Energy Complex


This contributes to the brain’s production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, improving energy, focus, and athletic performance.

Advantra Z Bitter Orange Extract

Bitter orange has been seen as the ephedra alternative since ephedra became illegal. Some studies show that it can produce some energy boosting and weight loss benefits when utilized correctly and at the right dosage size.

Yohimbine HCL

A natural stimulant commonly used in both weight loss and male enhancement supplements due to the effect it has on blood flow. Researchers believe it can improve circulation throughout the body, leading to many different benefits.

Leanfire XT review

Leanfire XT complaints & praise (Leanfire XT reviews from real users)

Even though it’s entirely possible to analyze a supplement solely based on the nutrition label, we still like to take user experiences into account. Since Leanfire XT is such a popular supplement, we were able to find a ton of reviews online, so let’s dig in and analyze the information we were able to find…

On GNC’s website, we were able to find 40 Leanfire XT reviews, and the product received an average rating of 3.3 stars across those 40 reviews. That’s a pretty unimpressive overall rating, and on top of that, about 40% of people rated it only 1 star…

BUT, it’s not all bad…17 people rated it 5 stars, so it’s clear that some people are having positive experiences with it. The Leanfire XT reviews were overall pretty mixed on the GNC website, so we dug even deeper by looking through the verified customer reviews on Amazon…

After I initially wrote this review years ago, many more Leanfire XT reviews from users have been submitted on Amazon. As it stands at this point, there are 295 reviews total, and the average rating is 3.3 out of 5 stars. It’s actually kind of crazy that the average is 3.3 stars on both Amazon and GNC…

Anyways, that’s a pretty bad average. To make matters worse, 50% of people rated it 3 stars or less, and 40% of people rated it two stars or less. That’s some pretty discouraging feedback at first glance, but it’s also important to note that several of the Leanfire XT reviews on Amazon contain 5 star ratings…

So, it’s not all bad…it clearly works for some people. It could just be people who are new to fat burners, and therefore don’t need a very strong supplement. At the end of the day, after taking all the data from the user reviews into account from both Amazon and GNC, I’m even less confident in this supplement than I already was…

To clarify, the nutrition label is EXTREMELY weak, and over 50% of the user reviews I found were negative…so yeah, I’m not optimistic about this fat burner.

The Pros

  • May help you lose weight
  • Provides energy
  • Trims figure

The Cons

  • Lots of negative user reviews
  • Expensive
  • Very low overall potency
  • Uses a proprietary blend
  • Only about 50% as potent as our top fat burner

Is Leanfire XT worth it? Our conclusion

Overall, Leanfire XT appears to be a solid fat burner with a very promising ingredient list, but the users generally seem unhappy with their experiences. The fact that it uses a proprietary blend is a big turn-off for us as well. At the end of the day, it’s not a bad product, but we simply don’t feel confident recommending it. Be sure to have a look at our list of the top 10 before buying Leanfire XT. Go to our Fat Burners home page now!

Leanfire XT best price

First of all, how much does Leanfire XT cost? Let’s take a look at outlet prices:



Check Current Pricing





Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).