Belly Trim XP Review: Is This Fat Burner Worth It?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Men's Fat Burners

Belly Trim XP fat burner supplementBelly Trim XP is a fat burner that is heavily based on the concept of CLA as a weight loss supplement. Many people have heard of CLA fat burners, and they are becoming increasingly popular. Read this Belly Trim XP review to see why we decided not to rank as one of the Top 10 Best Fat Burner Pills.

The Claimed Benefits of Belly Trim XP

  • Helps eliminate stubborn fat
  • Can contribute to decreases in body fat percentage
  • Breaks up accumulated fat

How Does Belly Trim XP Work?

Belly Trim XP uses natural ingredients that are supposedly able to help stimulate fat loss. The primary active ingredient is CLA, which we actually aren’t the biggest fans of (more on that later). Any elite fat burner works through the achievement of three major achievements.

The first is elimination of accumulated fat. The top fat burners contain ingredients that can remove fat from storage and ensure it is burned off as fuel, which is a process that takes a lot of energy and thereby increases calorie expenditure.

Weight loss is actually rather simple when it comes down to it…increase calorie expenditure and decrease calorie intake. That combination will almost inevitably lead to weight loss, which is why fat burners usually contain appetite suppressing ingredients in order to reduce your daily caloric intake.

The last necessity of any fat burner is at least one stimulant. Stimulants get you in the gym and help you out while you’re at the gym…and as we all know, the gym is absolutely essential for weight loss. Belly Trim XP actually doesn’t contain any stimulants, which is an issue as far as we are concerned.

While most fat burners are able to achieve the aforementioned goals, we don’t see Belly Trim XP as being able to do so. We don’t recommend this supplement and would encourage you to browse some of our other reviews of the top fat burners in order to get an idea of what else is out there before spending your money.

Belly Trim XP Ingredients – What Makes It Work?


CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is the major ingredient upon which the foundation of this supplement is built. There are mounds of clinical studies out there on CLA in order to determine whether or not it is effective for fat loss, but we actually don’t see a whole lot of positive results.

While some studies may suggest that it works, it’s just one of those ingredients that we aren’t all that confident in. Most people think Garcinia Cambogia works, and we agree with that theory. Many also believe in Green Tea, which is another excellent ingredient. CLA however is just one that we can’t get behind.

Most people believe in it because of the famous study that was done on mice using CLA. The study showed that the body fat of the mice was lowered by as much as 60%. None of the studies done on humans have shown anywhere near as dramatic of results though. Supplements that we rank as the top fat burners tend to exclude CLA.

Belly Trim XP Reviews From Users

We read plenty of Belly Trim XP reviews submitted by users in order to try and figure out whether this stuff really works or not. We did not find a whole lot of promising evidence. Some people had good experiences, whereas other Belly Trim XP reviews report bad experiences. It’s tough to draw a conclusion from the reviews we found.

The Pros

  • Overall potency is very high

The Cons

  • Doesn’t include any ingredients we consider top notch
  • The theory is mostly based on CLA, which we aren’t sure works
  • It only contains about 5 ingredients

The Final Verdict

Belly Trim XP isn’t all bad. There are certainly some benefits to be experienced, and since some of the user reviews were positive, we know it isn’t a complete dud. With that said, we certainly don’t think it’s top notch and would not recommend it.

Our recommendation: see our list of the Top 10 Best Fat Burners to learn about some truly elite supplements that we have discovered.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).